Monday, February 19, 2018

Miracle Cure or Scam?

John R. Houk
© February 19, 2018

I am on the free subscription of many Online Conservative websites. I am a Conservative. Well, DUH, right?

I understand completely these websites have budget needs. As such, those websites distribute paid 3rd party ads to their subscribers. Since the ad comes from a Conservative website, you might have the predilection to trust what the advertiser is selling.

When these ads promote miracle health cures or benefits, YOU should be wary. If a true health cure existed for a chronic disease, even the Leftist MSM would be publishing the results of “independent” studies for an excited and willing public.

I ran into one of these “Too good to be true” ads distributed by Here is the email-ad sent to me:

Florida MD defies FDA gag order
By Dr. Al Sears
Sent 2/16/18


As an MD, I could get into serious trouble just for writing this… But I won’t stop because this message has the power to save millions of lives.

You see, the FDA has a standing gag order forbidding doctors from telling patients about a new, revolutionary cure discovered by Harvard scientists.

This study should have made front page news around the world. It’s the kind of news that would have most Americans falling off their sofas... if they ever heard it.

The Harvard researchers behind this study discovered a way to "flip a switch" inside your cells that makes it virtually impossible for any chronic disease to exist in that cell...
...and if you already have diseased cells, you can make them disappear as if they never existed at all.

This hushed-up, breakthrough technology provides a possible CURE for everything from cancer and heart disease, to diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

And it’s available RIGHT NOWBut it never sees the light of day.

Today, I’m blowing the whistle on the FDA because you and your family have a right to know.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

Dr. Al Sears – Photo found at

Hmm … I am a bit suspicious when it is claimed the FDA suppressed a miracle cure from a Harvard medical study. And, I have diabetes. So, I checked it out.

The links in the email take you to one of those videos that dominate the entire website – no pausing, fast forward or reverse. When it appears you are thinking of leaving the website, a pop-up shows asking if you would read the transcript to the video. I did that.

The transcript is every bit as long as the video (roughly 35 minutes). Here are some selected excerpts from the transcript:




You won’t see any front-page headlines or ticker tape parades. No lead stories on NBC Nightly News or a single mention even hinting at the magnitude of this discovery.

You would think a cure for all disease that won the Nobel Prize in Medicine would make national headline news.

So why didn’t you hear about it?

Because it’s being actively suppressed by the very department of government that’s supposed to be looking out for your health —the FDA.

They’ve made it illegal for me to tell you about it.

But today I’m challenging the FDA.

I’m going to tell you how to use this breakthrough cure RIGHT NOW.

A group of molecular biologists discovered a way to “flip on a switch” inside your cells that makes it virtually impossible for any chronic disease to exist in that cell…

…and if you already have diseased cells, you can make them disappear as if they never existed at all.

This discovery won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009. But thanks to the FDA and drug companies it never saw the light of day.

But there is good news.

I pioneered a safe and proven way to “turn on” these disease-killing genes in your body right now… without expensive therapies, doctor visits or interference from the FDA.


You are born with, and still have, a dormant ability in a sleeping gene so astonishingly powerful that it would appear to perform miracles.

What do I mean by that?

Inside every one of your cells, there are hibernating bits of DNA that can replace old, diseased cells with new, healthy cells.

Simply stated, that ability allows you to reverse virtually all chronic diseases like cancer, or allow you to reach 100-years-old without showing any signs of aging.

There is only one major obstacle. These genes get “turned off” while you’re still in your mother’s womb. But today we have overcome this.

We now have safe, proven and inexpensive technology to turn on these disease-cleansing genes… and that’s the REAL story the FDA is trying to stop me from telling you.

Why is the FDA so afraid of this information?


At the beginning of this Harvard experiment, the mice subjects were old in every measurable feature.

They had lost their intelligence. Every one of them had performed poorly on the standard memory tests. And, they all had atrophied or shrunken brains.

They had lost their desire for sexual activity and had become infertile. …

Not surprising considering the mice were the equivalent of humans in their 80s and 90s.


Not only did their intelligence and memory come back, their shrunken brains actually grew back to normal size and structure.

They became sexually potent again and the females actually became fertile and produced healthy offspring again — at the equivalent of a very elder age. The males also produced new sperm cells, and their mates gave birth to larger litters.

And now I want YOU to have the option of using this technology to heal, re-charge and re-vitalize yourself and your family…

Here’s how it works.


At the end of each strand of DNA is a little bit of genetic material called a telomere. The length of these telomeres determines how old or young your cells act.

As your cells divide, the telomeres get shorter, and your body produces cells that are older, weaker, and more decrepit.

It’s programmed old age, and everything that comes with it.

The shorter your telomeres, the “older” your cells and your body act, regardless of your actual age.

And wipe out disease in the process.

This switch is an enzyme called telomerase, and it programs your telomeres to get longer. As I mentioned, this “switch” is turned to the off position before you are born. But what we’ve discovered is a way to turn it back on and make your telomeres longer.

And when your telomeres get longer, you reactivate all the characteristics of youth.


During the course of their treatment, we saw remarkable changes. Changes like:

ü Incredibly fast and longer-lasting fat loss…

ü Sharper eyesight and improved vision…

ü Thin, graying hair turning black and lustrous…

ü Increased muscle mass and increased testosterone…

ü Bigger lung volume, with increased endurance and oxygen delivery…

ü Elimination of joint pain and improved flexibility…

ü Easing depression with a brighter, more positive mood, and an overwhelming sense of optimism…

That’s why I want to put these 5 FREE reports in your hands RIGHT NOW.

So when you begin your Gold Membership in Confidential Cures today, you’ll immediately save 21% off the regular price of $49.95.

That means you’ll enjoy an entire year of access to the power of telomere technology plus the world’s hidden cures for just $39.

When you add up all of these bonuses and your membership savings…


READ ENTIRETY if you believe in “it’s too good to be true”.

There are several reviews of Dr. Sears’ handiwork. The reviews are crafted in such a way as to not being judgmentally harsh but leaves little doubt there is a big risk to using Dr. Sears’ alternative health products.

I’m going to excerpt utilizing the bio intro. This examines many of Dr. Sears’ best-selling products which I am going to skip. I am going to focus on the “Teloessence” category which examines Dr. Sears’ claims on telomeres. Telomeres is the selling emphasis in the Dr. Al Sears pitch to sell his remarkable cure-all with 5-free gifts for a simple discounted $39 buck annual subscription fee.

Then I’ll list the other reviews which all deliver it’s a risk attitude but a little different info with each review.

Al Sears MD Review

Al Sears MD is a medical doctor who calls himself “America’s Number One Board-certified Anti-Aging Pioneer.” His new subscription book series is called Confidential Cures and promises to help you cure diseases like cancer.

Who is Dr. Al Sears?

Dr. Al Sears MD is a naturopathic doctor who focuses on using alternative medicine and holistic remedies to help his patients live longer, happier, and healthier lives.

Dr. Sears currently runs a practice called the Center for Health and Wellness in Royal Palm Beach, Florida, where he claims to have helped over 25,000 patients. He conducts in-person consultations and recommends a holistic approach to health that is unavailable with modern medicine.

Over the years, Dr. Sears has written 15 books on health and wellness. He also created a lineup of nutritional supplements called Primal Force.

Dr. Sears claims to have appeared on ABC News, CNN, The History Chanel, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, and even ESPN for some reason.

In any case, Dr. Sears appears to be a legitimate doctor who runs a legitimate medical practice. …

At, Dr. Sears wants to convince you to subscribe to his newsletter called Confidential Cures, which costs $39 per year. He also sells a lineup of supplements and dozens of other eBooks that promise various cures for aging.

What is is the online home of Dr. Al Sears MD. The website features a lengthy story about how President Ronald Reagan found a secret cure for cancer during his presidency.

Instead of dying from cancer, obviously, Reagan took a different approach. Dr. Sears claims he used something called the “8th Element Protocol”.

The 8th Element Protocol cured Reagan’s cancer without any visible signs of cancer treatment. He experienced no hair loss, no nausea, and no disfigurement from surgeries.


Much of Dr. Sears’ work centers around telomeres, which are genes in your body that may be deactivated as you age. By eating the right foods and ingredients, you may be able to reactivate these genes and live a healthier life.

TeloEssence is a supplement specifically designed to activate your telomeres. It includes all of the following ingredients:

— Vitamin and Herb Blend: Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Selenium, Magnesium Citrate, Trimethylglycine, Asian Ginseng, Kudzu, Milk Thistle Extract, Horny Goat Weed, Bacopa, Green Tea Extract, Cat’s Claw, Natural d-Mixed Tocotrienols, Resveratrol, pTerostilbene, Fenugreek, Citrulline, Mixed Tocotrienols, Gingko Extract, Gotu Kola, and Ashwaghanda.

— Amino Acid Proprietary Blend: Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Arginine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Carnosine.

Final Thoughts: Should You Listen To Dr. Sears MD?

Dr. Sears MD is an interesting character: he claims to have helped over 25,000 people fight back against aging at his clinic in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. However, there’s very little information about Dr. Sears available online – including only a handful of reviews for his clinic.

The reviews that do appear online are not overly positive. Some reviews compliment the friendly staff and effective programs, while others claim they were disappointed by treatments that failed to work, were not covered by insurance, or were extremely expensive.

Dr. Sears also claims to have appeared on major news networks, including everything from The History Channel to ESPN, and yet none of this appears to be online. You would think there would be at least an online newspaper article about him.

But perhaps the biggest red flag about Dr. Sears MD is that he wholeheartedly promises his patients that he can cure their cancer:

“…6,100 independent studies confirm that my 8th Element Protocol: can cure ALL 213 types of cancer – at any stage.”

There’s no known cure for cancer. If there was a cure that singlehandedly cured every type of cancer in the world today, it certainly wouldn’t be sold in a $40 eBook online.

If you feel comfortable trusting alternative medical treatments, then Dr. Sears MD certainly has a lot of those treatments available. If you would rather trust modern medicine and scientific testing, however, then Dr. Sears MD may not be the right choice for you. READ ENTIRETY (Al Sears MD;

Other Reviews of Dr. Al Sears:

JRH 2/19/18

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