Monday, May 16, 2016

The essential guide to Hillary's high crimes, misdemeanors

WND has put together some resources to look at Crooked Hillary and her husband Slick Willie. To be honest, the WND resource list is actually a wish list that WND hopes you will purchase items from the WND bookstore; nonetheless it does give you a decent idea about the Clinton Crime Family.

Use the list to Google for your own knowledge or to actually purchase from WND, but which ever path you choose keep the list in mind as the Hillary campaign tries to get voters to believe Donald Trump is more criminal than the Clintons. For all Trump’s questionable business dealings, the only thing he has come close to being indicted for was his Trump University enterprise. The Clintons have been Teflon for decades dodging indictments and investigations, not to mention the legal but quite nefarious decisions like allowing four Americans to be slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Benghazi. Part of the nefarious Benghazi spin was to blame the terrorism on the so-called spontaneous reaction to an insignificant parody trailer poking fun at the architect of genocide the pseudo-prophet Mohammed. I should say, “Legal to date.” If Trump is elected President, there is a good chance his Justice Department will do what Obama’s Justice Department has allowed to be covered up at least from 2012.

JRH 5/16/16
The essential guide to Hillary's high crimes, misdemeanors
'We've been investigating her longer than the Justice Department'

WND Exclusive
May 14, 2016

WASHINGTON – It’s time to arm yourself with the facts about Hillary Clinton, says WND founder and editor Joseph Farah, who has been investigating what he calls “the Clinton crime family” since 1992.

If America gets it wrong in November, he says, say goodbye to America’s liberty and prosperity for a generation.

Farah has worked hard directing his news team to conduct some of the biggest exposés of Hillary’s lies, obfuscation, corruption, character flaws, history and plans for the future on WND and in book form. Now he has assembled what he characterizes as “the essential guide to Hillary’s high crimes and misdemeanors” for those who want the resources to fight back by sharing them with their friends and family members before it’s too late.

Starting with the latest – hot off the presses:

o   “Hillary the Other Woman” is written by Bill Clinton’s oldest, dearest former friend – someone who got to know both “Billy,” as she calls him, and “Chilly,” as she calls her. Dolly Kyle knew Bill from the time she was 11 and he was 12. She maintained a close relationship with him right up till his presidential run in 1992. She describes a couple that is racist to the core, anti-Semitic, motivated exclusively by self-interest and prone to punishing anyone who represents a threat – politically or personally. It’s an amazing but true story and a fascinating read by a serious professional writer and former Clinton insider. It’s available right now only in the WND Superstore in hardcover (autographed too) and in e-book form at Amazon. Take your pick. If you’d like a real bargain, snag the hardcover version for just $4.95 and get a year’s worth of either WND’s digital weekly magazine, WND Weeklyor a year’s worth of WND’s monthly print magazine Whistleblower. (Those offers available only to those not currently subscribing.)

o   “Partners in Crime” by two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi is up nextThis is the newest peek into how the Clintons operate – in broad daylight – as America’s No. 1 crime family. It exposes the way Bill and Hillary use their “family foundation” to shake down foreign donations for their own personal use, avoiding taxes, under the pretense of “charitable work.” It’s a huge scam and Corsi, as always, has the goods on them. Similarly, you can literally steal this book for $4.95 if you agree to subscribe to either WND Weekly or Whistleblower magazine for a year.

o   The Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project is an effort to enlist you in the hard work of exposing this woman. Would you consider giving $10, $50, $100 or more to support investigative reporting into Hillary through what we hope is the end of her political career this November? We’re doing our best. But we need your help. This process is expensive, time-consuming and urgent.

o   “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Made Bill and Hillary Rich” is another great work by a friend of ours – author Peter Schweizer. It’s a work of great authenticity and we highly recommend it.

o   Then there is our very own “Hillary Unhinged: In Her Own Words.” It’s a collection of quotes that are unforgettable, unbelievable and thoroughly damning. Got a friend who likes Hillary? Just hand him this one. If you’re not a current subscribe to either Whistleblower Magazine or WND Weeklyit’s yours for just $4.95.

o   Here’s a real treasure in short supply: “Their Lives” by Candice Jackson. This one is worth it for the chapter on Clinton’s rape victim Juanita Broaddrick and how Hillary intimidated her – victimizing her a second time. Only this book contains the shocking details. Again, not yet a subscriber to Whistleblower Magazine or WND Weekly? Get it for just $4.95.

o   Here’s an oldie but a goodie: “Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton” – a great work of investigative journalism.

o   Want to learn how Hillary partnered with Barack Obama on selling our American national security? Here’s the resource for you: “Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Selling Out of America’s National Security.”

o   Do you still not get what Benghazi was all about? This is the book that explained it all: “The REAL Benghazi” by Aaron KleinGet it for only $4.95 if you are not subscribing to either Whistleblower Magazine or WND Weekly.

o   Lastly we have two special reports well worth your attention: As far back as 2008, Whistleblower Magazine provided the scoop on Hillary. That timeless special report is now available to you for dirt cheap and will give you an idea of what that terrific, unique monthly print magazine is all about. Then there’s a much more current special report on Hillary from last June well worth your time.

That’s our essential guide to the truth about Hillary.

There’s not much time left to get informed and help inform others.

Use these tools to get the word out – and save America from a fate worse than death.

“We’ve been investigating her longer than the Justice Department,” said Farah. “But time’s running out to get the word out to the public. We’ve documented the case against her. We will continue to do so – with far more coming. But we need a little help from our friends to get the word out on a very tight deadline.”
Copyright 2016 WND

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