Monday, February 1, 2016

Newbill Shares on Finicum & Dearborn Cop's Murdering Woman

John R. Houk, Editor
February 1, 2016

Tony Newbill has found two stories that are not really similar except perhaps in one thought; viz. the focus is in government overreach as in utilizing too much police authority as per the rights of American citizens.

The first examines that LaVoy Finicum’s murder was motivated more by government greed via the deception of ecological concern. Evidently the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) usurped public land in Oregon under the auspices of protecting a bird that MIGHT go on the endangered species, BUT when the bird did not make the list the BLM began collaborating with a mining company that wants to mine for uranium to turn it into yellow cake. The thing is the process of extracting the yellow cake is a probably environmental disaster toward ranchers and farmers in that Oregon area.

The second case involved the Dearborn Police chasing a woman that fled a mall in which she aimed her car at mall security. As the chase ensued the Dearborn Police managed to place the lady’s car into an enough of a standstill for massive bullet to be shot at the fleeing 31-year-old lady (Janet Wilson) who died from the bullets. Two things of note to me is that the Dearborn Police have a habit propping up the Dearborn Muslim majority’s acts of stifling the First Amendment rights of Christians AND the 31-year-old lady was an African-American. Sadly, within a 40-day period the 31-year-old Black lady was the second African-American that died (Kevin Matthews) at the hands of the Dearborn Police through the same use of unreasonable force.

JRH 2/1/16
The Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, Solution
Oregon Standoff: Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum Dead, Bundys Arrested

Tony Newbill
Sent: 1/31/2016 11:03 AM

The police in cooperation with the FBI got their men about 20 miles north of Burns, Oregon on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. Mark that day in history, folks, as the day the old west was given a warning shot. A warning shot that said very loud and clear to the American public: Don’t mess with the government, don’t question authority, don’t stand up for the Constitution or your supposed “rights,” just submit or die.

©2016 Barbara H. Peterson
Consider this:

A Tale of Cattle, Sage Grouse, and Uranium in Oregon 
By Barbara H. Peterson 
January 28, 2016 
 Farm Wars 
 Once there was a cowboy who let his herd of cattle roam free on thousands of acres of wilderness. He knew that they would live in harmony with the other critters, and that the land would benefit. He made sure that there was plenty of water and plenty of room so that the land would flourish. You see, if given enough room, critters are good for the land. They eat the overgrown forage and leave behind fertilizer that helps new forage to grow, which nourishes every other critter. Each critter has enough room to get out of the other one’s way, and everyone is happy. 
 That is, until the government in its infinite “scientific” wisdom, decides that cattle are bad for the land. 
 But is that the real reason that cattle ranching, as it has been done for over a hundred years, is now scheduled to become obsolete? A thing of the past – something to be disdained and thrown to the curb? 
 Picture a pristine wilderness devoid of the ravages of civilization and industrial development. Birds flying overhead and deer roaming free. Paradise as far as the eye can see. And in the middle of this haven designated as “public lands” set apart to be protected by the benevolence of the Federal Government’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is an open pit uranium mine. 
 Say what??? You have got to be kidding me! Nope. This is what the BLM has on the back burner for the Malheur Wilderness area. 
 And the cowboys? Well, the last ones who attempted to get in the way of this takeover of land for the “public good” are now sentenced to 5 years in prison and branded as terrorists for protecting their land and cattle and forced to “grant the BLM first right of refusal if the Hammonds ever sold their ranch.” 
 The Dark Side of Environmental Conservation 
 Environmental conservation is a good thing. But is that what is really being done by the BLM when it takes over land? Maybe what the BLM is actually doing is grabbing land in the name of environmental conservation and placing it under the sole control of the government and out of the hands of we the people in order to do with it as the government pleases. 
 The lands that the government collects are called “public lands.” The BLM is charged with managing “public lands,” and routinely leases and sells mineral rights on the very same lands that it is supposed to manage and protect. 
 BLM’s Planning Manual 1601 explains the use of public lands: 
 Land use plans ensure that the public lands are managed in accordance with the intent of Congress as stated in FLPMA (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), i.e., under the principles of multiple use and sustained yield. As required by FLPMA, the public lands must be managed in a manner that protects the quality of scientific, scenic, historical, ecological, environmental, air and atmospheric, water resource, and archaeological values; that, where appropriate, will preserve and protect certain public lands in their natural condition; that will provide food and habitat for fish and wildlife and domestic animals; and that will provide for outdoor recreation and human occupancy and use by encouraging collaboration and public participation throughout the planning process. In addition, the public lands must be managed in a manner that recognizes the Nation’s need for domestic sources of minerals, food, timber, and fiber from the public lands. 
 According to the BLM Planning Manual, the agency is charged with maintaining the ecological environment of its public lands. That is, of course, unless it decides that mining for uranium supersedes any such directive. 
 Uranium on BLM-Administered Lands in OR/WA 
 In September 2011, a representative from Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One), met with local citizens, and county and state officials, to discuss the possibility of opening a uranium oxide (“yellowcake”) mine in southern Malheur County in southeastern Oregon. Oregon Energy is interested in developing a 17-Claim parcel of land known as the Aurora Project through an open pit mining method. Besides the mine, there would be a mill for processing. The claim area occupies about 450 acres and is also referred to as the “New U” uranium claims. 
 This is conservation? Here is the open pit uranium mining proposal:  Uranium mine plan 
 Oregon Energy’s proposal calls for extracting ore from a mile-long, 600-foot wide, 250-foot deep open pit 10 miles west of McDermitt and 3 miles north of the Oregon-Nevada border. The mine, adjoining the former Bretz Mercury Mine, a contaminated open-pit site from the 1960s, would cost $200 million to develop and uranium extraction could continue for up to 20 years, said Oregon Energy President Lachlan Reynolds. 
 Plans call for the ore to be crushed and mixed with an acid solution in enclosed vats to leach out the uranium, he said. The acid would bond with the uranium and when dry become a sand-like powder called uranium oxide concentrate, or yellowcake. Yellowcake would bring $52 per pound and could fuel nuclear reactors or be processed into weapons. 
 Tuttle, spokesman for the Portland-based Center for Environmental Equity, foresees environmental problems. 
 The likelihood of sulfuric acid being used in READ THE REST

Problem: The government wants the land.

Reaction: Demonize cattle ranchers and blame the cattle for a decline in the sage grouse in order to free the land for alternate government use by pitting environmentalists against cattle grazing and the ranchers to gain the required reaction of placing the land under further restrictions in order to be protected from environmental harm.

Solution: The government gets the land.

The government wants the land for “conservation” efforts. In order to achieve this, the ranchers with their cattle and any private property interests need to go so that there is no interference. This way the land can be “protected” by the BLM and used for any purpose that the government wants it for, including uranium development.

The question then becomes – who will get the land – the sage grouse or uranium miners. In either case, the ranchers are out and the cattle can be consigned to your friendly neighborhood CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation).

The rancher takes the blame, and the government does as it pleases. If the grouse is listed as an endangered species, the land is taken for conservation. If it isn’t, the land is taken for corporate energy and uranium mining. A win/win for big government. It’s called hedging your bets. Either way, the little guy loses and the government wins, and the rancher is left holding the bag. He either gets booted out by the sage grouse, or booted out by uranium interests, and there goes another source of local food and independence, leaving us ever more dependent on the corporate food chain.

Since a decision was made to not list the sage grouse as an endangered species in 2015, guess which interests won? You’ve got it – mining. Now the only problem left is to work out how to make the energy industry operations appear “beneficial” to the environment so as not to concern the sage grouse supporters, and to declare more public land as “cattle free,” again, for the benefit of the environment. Not a problem that a good Public Relations campaign can’t handle. Cha-Ching!

This is Interesting Stuff

Tony Newbill
Sent: 1/31/2016 12:39 PM

Enhanced Video: LaVoy points out his Assassins:
VIDEO: Enhanced Video: LaVoy points out his Assassins

Posted by Lorri Anderson 
Published on Jan 30, 2016 
 Thank you to Call of Duty Goddess: 

Definition of Assassin:  

This footage must get everywhere. This also needs to be downloaded by anyone and everyone that has the ability. Please reshare, and save and help spread the truth of what happened.  

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 Wayne County Medical Examiner rules death of woman shot by Dearborn police a homicide (UPDATED) Yesterday's fatal shooting of a 31-year-old Detroit woman by Dearborn police has been ruled a homicide by the Wayne County Medical Examiner's office. 

Janet Wilson was shot Wednesday afternoon by a Dearborn officer after driving erratically and allegedly trying to run over an officer on Hubbard Drive near the Southfield Freeway. Witnesses had reported Wilson acting strangely at nearby Fairlane Town Center and mall security was notified. 

Wayne County Medical Examiner rules death of woman shot by Dearborn police a homicide (UPDATED) 
 By Andrea Blum 
Published: Sunday, January 31, 2016 
Press & Guide 
 Yesterday's fatal shooting of a 31-year-old Detroit woman by Dearborn police has been ruled a homicide by the Wayne County Medical Examiner's office. 

Janet Wilson was shot Wednesday afternoon by a Dearborn officer after driving erratically and allegedly trying to run over an officer on Hubbard Drive near the Southfield Freeway. Witnesses had reported Wilson acting strangely at nearby Fairlane Town Center and mall security was notified. 

Michigan State Police Lt. Mike Shaw said the 31-year-old woman's vehicle got stuck in traffic as she left the mall, and she tried to flee as officers approached. 

Shaw says a Dearborn officer fired when the woman almost ran over an officer. Wilson died of multiple gunshot wounds and the officer was treated for non-life threatening injuries. 

Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad said both of the officer-involved shooting incidents are being independently criminally investigated by outside agencies, and that the department is committed to transparency and disclosure by fully cooperating with the investigations. 

"Upon conclusion of the criminal investigations we will be conducting internal reviews on both of these incidents," Haddad said. "While we are very proud of our long history of Civil Rights advocacy as well as our history of appropriate use of force, we will closely examine all of our policies and procedures to ensure that we are employing the latest training and following national best practices in all of our responsibilities to the community. 

Once we are allowed and it is appropriate to do so, we fully intend to make public disclosures regarding these incidents."

Edited by John R. Houk

© Tony Newbill

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