Thursday, January 28, 2016

Negative AIDS and Karen Lambert

John R. Houk
© January 28, 2016

Have you heard of Idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia (ICL), Non-HIV AIDS or HIV-Negative AIDS? They are all terms for the same ailment. Here is an understandable description from a forum website that bills itself as a “HIV/AIDS Resource”:

Idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia, or ICL, is an immunodeficiency syndrome in which human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, cannot be detected. Because HIV is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), ICL can be referred to as Non-HIV AIDS. 

As in AIDS patients, Non-HIV AIDS patients exhibit reduced numbers of CD4+ T-lymphocytes, and many Non-HIV AIDS patients have developed the opportunistic infections or otherwise rare cancers associated with AIDS. 

Non-HIV AIDS patients may comprise perhaps one percent of all AIDS patients. While the majority of Non-HIV AIDS patients do not belong to any of the risk groups such as blood transfusion recipients, male homosexuals, and intravenous drug abusers in which AIDS was first identified, some Non-HIV AIDS patients do belong to these groups. This suggests that Non-HIV AIDS may also be transmissible. 

Google: "non hiv aids" (hiv negative aids symptoms; By user #261713; ‘The Body’; 03/09/12 02:31 AM) 

I first found out about Negative AIDS from a Conspiracy Yahoo Group posted by a gal calling herself Karen Lambert. When I first read her post and the explanatory website she linked I found the information outrageous. And since I’m a sucker for a credible Conspiracy theory I decided to follow Lambert’s advice at the end of her group post; viz. ‘Or simply google "NON HIV AIDS"’.

Does the advice sound familiar to the advice given at the end of “The Body” forum post? Well anyway, I thought so. So I decided first to Google “Karen Lambert” then I Googled "NON HIV AIDS"’.

I discovered a lot of posts attributed to Karen Lambert stretching from 2007 to 2015. All the attributed posts were all in some similar variation posted on some credible websites, not credible websites and some Conspiracy Theory websites in there is always a decision of credibility based on the presentation of the conspiracy. Here is an excerpt from someone who doesn’t outright say “phooey” but has the tone of wonder questioning:

Is There Such a Thing as HIV-Negative AIDS? 
 Perhaps you’ve seen them while casually Googling for updates on HIV research. There are message boards on sites such as Planet Infowars, Questioning AIDS, and The Body that have extensive conversations about the cause of AIDS — from people who don’t think it’s HIV. One of the most frequent forum posters, Karen Lambert, is a chronic fatigue syndrome patient. Her belief is that her immune-deficiency condition is actually AIDS and that the causes of what she calls CFS/AIDS should be researched more carefully. Like others on internet message boards, she believes HIV is not the cause of AIDS; it's merely a “harmless” virus coincidentally found in AIDS patients. 
 Because she doesn’t belong to any high-risk group Lambert doesn’t believe it’s possible that she got AIDS from HIV. She says that after a heterosexual sexual encounter, she became seriously ill “with what looks like the natural disease progression of AIDS. I can pinpoint exactly when I was infected with my 'chronic viral syndrome of unknown etiology' and because the 'acute infection' stage was so distinguishable, I can also pinpoint exactly when my undiagnosed pathogen left my body and infected yet another host.” 
 Lambert has spent nearly 10 years spreading her message of HIV-negative AIDS on the internet. She tracked progress for years on her blog. She even set up a petition on to shift funding from HIV research to CFS research. She’s had letters published on several sites and claims that leading researchers in government organizations — who, according to Lambert, would be unlikely to talk to reporters because they work at government agencies like the CDC — have been investigating her case. But are they? 
 In fact, we couldn't find a single doctor willing to go on the record about the concept of HIV-negative AIDS. Many are fatigued by arguing with HIV denialists. Others lack enough knowledge about idiopathic CD lymphocytopenia, what Lambert and fellow denialists call HIV-negative AIDS, to even comment. 
 While there are some laboratories studying idiopathic CD lymphocytopenia (ICL), such as Autoimmune Technologies in New Orleans, their research focuses more on the cause of ICL. Idiopathic CD lymphocytopenia is an autoimmune disease that presents many of the same symptoms as HIV/AIDS, but patients test negative for HIV. It does have a lower rate of infection than AIDS, is thought to have more than one cause, and presents differently than AIDS in a clinical setting. Patients with this form of what you could call HIV-negative AIDS do account for about 1 percent of all AIDS patients. 
 The cause of ICL may be unknown but barring Lambert's doctors coming forward to explain and test their theories in the scientific community, it’s unlikely the medical establishment is going to change their minds about the cause of AIDS anytime soon. Neither are the HIV-negative AIDS conspiracy theorists.  
 Editor's Note: As for Lambert's specific case, we may never know. After weeks of communication, Lambert cut off contact with our reporter, nor would she furnish her medical files or names of physicians who had treated her. (Is There Such a Thing as HIV-Negative AIDS? By Katie Peoples;; 8/26/13 9:27 PM EDT)

In spite of the rather negative aspects of Katie Peoples’ article on Negative AIDS and Karen Lambert, the thing established is no medical experts know how the symptoms of AIDS occur without a preceding HIV infection.

On the other Karen Lambert’s awareness campaign has been going on for years without bothering to add any new data and simply recycling versions of previous posts she has done for a decade or longer. So read what I discovered and you decide on the credibility.

You Also May Be Interested in:

The AIDS-Like Disease Seldom MentionedSleuth Journal – 4/4/14

Idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia; Wikipedia; page was last modified on 9/16/15 11:13.

JRH 1/28/16

Posted by Karen Lambert
Jan 27, 2016 7:20 PM


"after opening my private foundation, I got the White House to open an investigation, Senator John Kerry to forward my case to the head of the CDC, & U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator to forward to NIH/NIAID.

Amongst other things, my blood has been to the CDC-Atlanta (twice) and to the Washington-DC pathology labs. I have sat on conference call with American Red Cross. Facilitated by the United Nations, I have been flown...."

Or simply google "NON HIV AIDS"

PROOF! A New Designer “AIDS”

No Specific Date Website merely notes 2 years ago
Today’s Cross Post Date: 1/28/16

VIDEO: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) Meeting Day 2 June 14, 2012 11:30am to 12:15pm [Karen Lambert shares: 5-MINUTES (starts @ Minute-0) -->]

Posted by WomensHealthgov
Published on Aug 1, 2012

PROOF!  A New Designer “AIDS”

We at Max Resistance we’re shocked by this personal story of Karen Lambert, we are so pleased she contacted us to put her story forward and support her on this important journey.

Karen has fought this battle bravely with the main stream media refusing to acknowledge or report on this. Which leaves it up to us in the Alternate Media to spread her plight.

“Could I be you?” Karen Lambert’s Struggle with HIV-Negative AIDS

I have Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFS/CFIDS/ME) and HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS, idiopathic CD lymphocytopenia. With these two clinical diagnoses, I believe that makes me living proof that the AIDS-like CFS/ME is transmissible, something that the medical establishment seems unable to admit or to acknowledge. I also believe it makes me living proof that CFS and HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS are basically the same mysterious immune disorder.

Three years ago, after a heterosexual sexual encounter, I became seriously ill with what looks like the natural disease progression of AIDS. After an “acute infection” and a “period of asymptomatic health”, I have fallen extremely ill to an unrelenting, progressively-worsening AIDS-like demise. I can pinpoint exactly when I was infected with my “chronic viral syndrome of unknown etiology” and because the “acute infection” stage was so distinguishable, I can also pinpoint exactly when my undiagnosed pathogen left my body and infected yet another host.

Whatever I am currently dealing with, it strongly resembles classic textbook HIV/AIDS disease. But, to add to my inquiry, I also clinically satisfy the CDC’s criteria for the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

by Karen Lambert

Continue reading Karen’s story here

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases under the “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)” ICD-code.

§  Dr. Lorraine Day on Cptn. Joyce Riley’s military show THE POWER HOUR (09/12): “…HIV-Negative AIDS cases falsely reported and treated as CFS cases may be one of the biggest cover-ups…”

§  In 1992 (i.e., after Gulf War 1) “…Newsweek made an even more shocking announcement: …CFS patients who had the same immune system deficiencies as the NON-HIV AIDS cases…”

§  Dr. Judy Mikovits stated on In Short Order (11/12) about CFS & Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME): “…consider this as NON HIV AIDS.”

§  Chapter 33 of Hillary Johnson’s acclaimed book “Osler’s Web: Inside the Labyrinth of CFS” is entitled “HIV-Negative AIDS.”

     §  Neenyah Ostrom’s book “America’s Biggest Cover-up: 50 More Things…CFS & Its Link To AIDS” cites: “Some CFS Patients May Be Non-HIV AIDS Cases.”

Who is Karen Lambert?

I have a Master’s degree. I am a director at my firm. I used to be a triathlete. I have never used IV drugs. I have never traveled abroad. I can count my sexual partners on two hands. Statistically speaking, I know that my undiagnosed infectious and communicable disease is not rare…so, you tell me, if they are not in the miscellaneous CFS/ME category, where are all these other immuno-suppressed people?

Anyone with CFIDS, who does not consider the possibility that CFS/ME will eventually progress to a NON-HIV AIDS diagnosis, is very well trumping their own ability to diagnosis the root cause of their illness.

Why isn’t CFS/ME a reportable disease overseen by our public health department? Why are CFS and ME (i.e., the same exact disorder) suspiciously categorized as two separate illnesses on a worldwide level (i.e., by ICD codes)? Doesn’t anyone else but me, very clearly see, the catastrophic cover-up going on here?

Why are we not reading about NON-HIV AIDS cases (and/or the AIDS-like nature of CFIDS) on the front pages of every newspaper in the world? And if CFS/ME is NON-HIV AIDS, then, depending on who you believe, there are anywhere between 500,000 – 14,000,000 Americans out there with a transmissible illness. If that is what it truly is, our new form of AIDS dwarfs the ‘original’ AIDS epidemic —> TENFOLD.

I am not afraid to say that I have AIDS without HIV –> idiopathic CD lymphocytopenia. I am equally as unafraid of saying the most obvious thing about CFS/ME: IT SURE DOES LOOK LIKE AIDS TO ME.

If it takes courage to think and to say the things that I do, I hope that there will be a miraculous outbreak of bravery from coast-to-coast. I stopped fighting for myself a long, long time ago. I fight for humanity.

I demand a CFS/HIV revolution. Vive La Revolución.

CFSgate = AIDSgate

The medical establishment will have you believe that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is some sort of mysterious illness, but it’s no mystery to me; CFS/ME leads to NON-HIV AIDS, idiopathic CD lympocytopena (ICL), a clinical diagnosis I possess.

How can the AIDS establishment continue with a stale “it’s caused by HIV” theory when there are ICL cases cited in medical journals dating back to 1992? While millions of ailing immunodeficient CFS/ME patients get belittled and neglected, perfectly healthy HIV+ people are allocated billions of dollars in taxpayer money. How can it make sense to anyone?

In the U.S. last year, the NIH spent $3.1 Billion of our tax money drugging perfectly healthy HIV+ people. Sick, ailing immunodeficient (some of us dying) CFIDS patients received $6 Million. How can it make sense to you? source: [***Blog Editor: My virus software prevented this page from loading due to potential certificate problem and potential info theft. This is me warning you ahead of time!***]

It’s so easy to see that the medical establishment simply has these paradigms (CFIDS, HIV) inverted. AIDS patients are simply more CFIDS patients, who also happen to harbor a seemingly harmless virus, HIV. AIDS patients are just the tip of the CFIDS iceberg, and it’s already well-documented that HIV is not the cause.

How else do you explain why there is no CFS/ME pandemic in the HIV+ population? CFS/ME does not discriminate. The answer is that there is; any otherwise perfectly healthy HIV+ person that is:

1) symptomatic,

2) better on ARV’s, and/or 3) severely immunosuppressed (AIDS)……is a CFIDS patient.

Putting causal pathogens aside, simply rename CFIDS, ME, and AIDS all to be “low natural killer cell disease” and only diagnosis patients with “low NK cells” with it. Everyone would clearly see that: CFIDS + ME + AIDS = low NK cell disease = one catastrophic pandemic * * not caused by HIV

Allied government sold-out global public health for sake of profit–> industry, oil, and Orwellian greed. If I weren’t only 25% alive, I often wonder if I should ‘Occupy’ the White House.

Now that the mystery has been solved, could we please stop wasting time and re-allocate all HIV funding into CFIDS/ME/AIDS research?

More on this topic:

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Negative AIDS and Karen Lambert
John R. Houk
© January 28, 2016
PROOF! A New Designer “AIDS”

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