Friday, April 17, 2015

Countering Islamic Apologist with Truth

Insanity & Consequence of Islam

John R. Houk
© April 17, 2015

Zaheer Baig posted a comment on my “About Page” on my WordPress blog called NeoConservative Christian Right (NCCR). Raig is an apologist for Islam and is pursuing the deceptive (or self-deceived) line that Islam is peace and goes on to include other Quranic lies pertaining that Biblical persons were and always have been Islamic:

Islam is a natural way of life that encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with God and His creation. Islam teaches that it is through the doing of good deeds and seeking the pleasure of God that souls find true happiness and peace. It is in this context that the word Islam derives from the root word “salam,” or peace.

God sent Prophets to teach mankind how to worship Him; starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the last of the messengers, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). The Islamic position is that all of these prophets came with the same message, that there is no deity worthy of worship except the One True God, known in Arabic as Allah.

Vlad Tepes found an interesting quote about Islam from the irreligious yet seeker of a self-satisfactory answer about that which is divine – Voltaire (1694-1777):

“The Koran teaches fear, hatred, contempt for others, murder as a legitimate means for the dissemination and preservation of this satanic doctrine, it talks ill of women, classifies people into classes, calls for blood and ever more blood. Yet, that a camel trader sparks uproar in his tribe, that he wants to make his fellow citizens believe that he talked to the archangel Gabriel; that he boasted about being taken up into heaven and receiving a part of that indigestible book there, which can shake common sense on every page, that to gain respect for this work, he covers his country with fire and iron, that he strangles fathers, drags away daughters, that he leaves the beaten a free choice between death and his faith: now this is certainly something that no-one can excuse, unless he came as a Turk into the world, unless superstition has stifled any natural light of reason in him. ”

Voltaire (1694-1788) Translation by SIMONXML from “ISLAM – Dem Untergang geweiht” by Thomas K. Luther, p.24. (Voltaire quote on Islam from the 1700s; Posted by Eeyore; Vlad Tepes; 4/16/15 – Bold text by Editor JRH)

Voltaire was no friend of Christianity or any revealed religion including Islam. And yet he was also wise enough to provide an astute observation of that theopolitical religion’s Quran. In the first paragraph I called Zaheer Baig deceptive; however I also gave him (actually I don’t know if the person is male or female) the benefit of the doubt by throwing in parentheses “self-deceptive”. I mention this because there are a number of Muslims that toe the line about “Islam is Peace”. Frankly if you examine the Islamic writings as did Voltaire you will discover that Islam is so far from peace that is laughable not to exchange “peace” for “violent”.

To be clear though deceiving or self-deceived Muslims will tell a non-Muslim (Islam labels as kafir) that Islam is peace and quote Quranic references that show a shining light of a religion that embraces a brotherhood who has an opportunity to submit and worship their deity Allah which in turns provides the assurance of peace.

At there is a demonstration ecstatic relationship between Allah perceived as the Creator and that deity’s so-called creation:

We cannot understand certain questions in this regard unless we know what sort of relationship there exists between Allah and the creation. …

Anyhow the relationship between Allah and the creation is not of the sort that exists, for example, between father and son, that is between two things existing independently but related to each other. The sun and its rays are an example of a closer relationship. In this case also the sun and its rays are two different things, each having a separate existence to some extent. Man and his mental and physical faculties are an example of another kind of relationship.

Even in this case man and his faculties are not identical, though they are closely related. Unlike all these examples, the relationship between the existing things and Allah, Who is the source of their existence, is of quite a different kind and cannot be compared to any of the relationships mentioned above. At several places in the Qur'an and the traditions the relationship between Allah and His creation has been described as Allah's glory. The Qur'an says:

When his Lord revealed His glory to the mountain. (Surah al-A'raf, 7:143).

There is a sentence in the Samat Supplication which says:

'By the light of Your glory You revealed to the mountain and thus sent it down crashing…’

We said earlier that the first possibility about the definite article in al-Hamdu is that it might be denoting comprehensiveness. In that case hamd (praise) would mean all praises, and the word 'hamd' as well as the word, 'ism' will have a sense of multitude. From this point of view 'al-hamdu lillahi' would mean that every praise that is made is that of Allah, for it is always the praise of some aspect of His manifestation or glory.

The sun manifests itself in its rays. Man is manifested in his seeing and hearing faculties. Allah manifests Himself far more clearly in every creation of His. Therefore, when anything is praised actually a manifestation of Allah's glory is praised.

As all the existing things are the signs of Allah, they are His names. According to the second possibility we mentioned, the meaning would be diametrically different, and 'al-hamdu lillahi' would signify that no praise made by any praiser was that of Allah, although in this case also His glory is revealed in all the objects which are praised. But our praise cannot be absolute, nor are we capable of praising the Absolute Being.

Anyhow, as all pluralities are lost and absorbed in the unity of the Absolute Being, it may be said that from one angle even in this case it is the Absolute Being that is praised. The only difference is … (Light Within Me: Part 3.2: Relationship between Allah and His Creation; By Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari; Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabataba'i, and Ayatullah Sayyid Imam Ruhallah al-Musawi al-Khomeini; [Shi’ite website]; Copyright Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995 – 2015)

WOW! If you are a person searching for divine attunement with an eternal deity that provides inner peace and inner fulfillment this sounds alluringly enticing. You’ll figure out that this represents Shi’ite theopolitical theology which in full disclosure probably represents only about 10% of Islam, but the significance is the deception is an English translation of some big dogs from Iran. Also it is crap compared the part of Islam that abrogates these enticing words.

Take note the alluring enticement is also among the Sunni that roughly represent about 90% of Islam as well:

The Sunni ideology is directly related to the doctrine of monotheism, in which the relationship between God and the elements of nature, either humanity or even non-living beings, is that of a continuous state of complete submission and worshipping from the side of the created to God, the Creator:

[Blog Editor: This essay gives the translation for Quran 17:44 but mistakenly sources Quran 44:17. Or the essay author sets the Surah first than the chapter but I don’t think so.]

This relationship of servitude takes place without any merging or sharing of the divine nature by the Creator and his creation, but it takes place while God is completely outside of and beyond the world.

According to the Sunni ideology, God is God and man is man. Their relationship is very close. …

But this closeness does not imply identification between the two. Moreover, orthodox Sunni belief tends to hold a transcendental vision of Godhead in the way it believes that Allah does not resemble his creation. Allah describes Himself in Quran saying:

This verse of the Quran encompasses that Allah is completely different from His creation in His attributes and actions.

Any created being, either man or any other element of nature, is liable to materialistic measures of existence, i.e. time and place which cannot be ascribed to Godhead. God exists but without a place. …

Although the relationship between God and man is that of servitude and submission to God's will, it is not to be of subjugation or humiliation. On the contrary, it is of trust and respect. In the following long verse Allah the Almighty sheds light on the special and intimate relationship between Him and man amongst the other creations. He says:

We learn from these verses that God created humans with the purpose of being God's vicegerents and trustees on earth.

According to the Sunni conception of God and His relationship with nature, nature is not the manifestation of God but of His infinite wisdom, capability and empowerment.

God has created nature in this perfect form as signs of His existence which guides humanity to strengthen their belief in Him. Allah the … (God, Nature, and Humanity; By Amani Aboul Fadl Farag;; 2012/10/30)

Okay, I realize I probably overshared on Shia and Sunni subject pertaining to the allure of Islam, but you need to understand just how sugarcoated the deception is and the nature of the theology is taught to Muslim adherents who should know that the Quran, Hadith and Sira are very violent against Muslims AND toward Muslims who deviate from the submission standards that make Islam theopolitical.

The reality is Islam is a dualistic theological ideology that mixes the standard of political governance in its submission process. The short explanation for this dualism is that two opposite Quranic statements or commands are both correct depending on the circumstances presented to the Muslim.

Not only are there two Korans, Meccan and Medinan, that are different in tone and subject matter, but also the Koran has many verses that contradict each other.

Koran 2:219 says that Muslims should be tolerant and forgiving to People of the Book.
Koran 9:29 says to attack the People of the Book until they pay the jizyah, the dhimmi tax, submit to Sharia law and be humbled.

Which verse shows the true nature of Islam?

The Koran recognizes its contradictions and even gives a rule to resolve the contradictions. The later verse abrogates (supersedes) the earlier verse. This does not mean, however, that the earlier verse is wrong or in error. This would be impossible since the fundamental hypothesis is that Allah created the Koran and, hence, the earlier verse must be true or Allah would be wrong.

But, the earlier verse is true and still used. Abrogation does not negate the early verse. Indeed, the earlier “peaceful” verse that is abrogated is the one most apt to be used in public discourse.

… In Koranic logic, two statements can contradict each other and both are true. This is dualistic logic.

… Duality includes the special case of abrogation and it explains how the entire doctrine of Koran and Sunna work. It is not just the Koran that is contradictory, but all of the Sunna. 

In an earlier post by Bill Warner on Islamic Dualism he writes:

The Koran defines an Islamic logic that is dualistic. … … so in dualistic logic. All of the doctrine refers to two classes of people–Muslims and non-Muslims, kafirs. The doctrine that applies to kafirs is political in nature and is rarely neutral or positive. The part of the doctrine that applies to Muslims is cultural, legal, and religious.

The second grand division of Islamic doctrine is into religious Islam and political Islam. It is surprising how much of the doctrine is political. Approximately 67% of the Meccan Koran and 51% of the Medinan Koran is political. About 75% of the Sira is about what was done to the kafir. Roughly 20% of the Hadith is about jihad, a political act.

… (Duality and Political Islam; Bill Warner; Political Islam; 10/26/07)

You should also read “Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam,” by David Bukay.

Zaheer Baig further asserts that Islam is derived from the Arabic salaam (he/she spelled it “salam”) which means peace, BUT is it true that Islam is derived from salaam?

The word Islam derives from the Arabic triconsonantal root sīn-lām-mīm (SLM [ س ل م ]). Many different words are created from this root word by inserting different vowels between the three root consonants. Many English speakers wrongly assume that if two Arabic words share the same root word then their meanings are related when in reality the fact that some words share the same root word does not imply a relationship between the meanings of the words. For instance, all of these words are derived from the root S-L-M:

o   Islam = Submission

o   Salam = Well-being/Peace

o   (Derivation of) Salama = To be saved or to escape from danger (when refering to a female)

o   Saleem = To be saved or to escape from danger (when refering to a male)

o   Aslam = To submit

o   Istaslama = To surrender

o   Musal = Undisputed

o   Tasleem = To receive a salutation or becoming submitted

Many people have wrongly attempted to equate the word Islam with peace by showing that Islam, meaning 'submission', shares a root word with Salaam, meaning 'peace'. But if such relationships between the meanings of Arabic words can be created then that would imply that there is a relationship between one of the derivations of the infinitive Salama, meaning the stinging of the snake or tanning the leather, and Salam, meaning peace; a relationship which obviously does not exist.

The Compendium of Muslim Texts, compiled by the USC-MSA, the Muslim Students Association at the University of Southern California,[1] confirms READ THE REST (The Meaning of Islam; Updated by Axius; WikiIslam; page was last modified 15:59, 6 February 2014)

Mo recited Biblical stories but noticeably transformed those stories to fit a perception that validated Allah as the true god, Mo as the last prophet and the other Judeo-Christian faiths based on the Bible as corrupted and corrected by Mo’s prophetic words eventually edited and turned into the Quran. That should send up a red flag in the believability factor. Duped original Arabs fell for Mo’s line and Biblically knowledgeable Jews and Christians often paid with their lives knowing Mo was a false prophet.


The Quran alters stories and beliefs taught in the Christian Bible

… The Old and New Testament stories are anointed as divine messages from “prophets”, but the stories and beliefs those prophets introduced are noticeably altered before Islam’s holy book takes a new tack, condemning the people, message, and beliefs of both Judaism and Christianity.

The Quran tells different versions of New Testament stories

The Quran promotes its own modified view of Christianity and Jesus’ life. The Quran expands on Mary’s life, introduces new tales of Jesus’ early life, and goes to great lengths to deemphasize Jesus as a divine figure, proclaiming he was simply another “Messenger” (like Muhammad). In fact, Islam teaches its followers that Jesus’ crucifixion did not occur but rather was a cunning deception.

The Quran tells different versions of Old Testament stories

According to the Quran, God revealed new details of Old Testament stories to Muhammad. In particular, events surrounding Adam and Eve, Abraham, Lot, Joseph, Jacob, Noah, and numerous other minor Old Testament characters are revised. Most Old Testament stories related in the Quran are similar to the Christian (and Jewish) versions but with additional, surprising details “revealed by God” to Muhammad (these new versions of Old Testament stories are often repeated several times throughout the Quran).

Initial acceptance of other religions (e.g. Jewish, Christian)

Initially the Quran accommodates other religions and in particular, accepts the word of the Old and New Testaments as messages from God. While initially seeming tolerant of Jewish and Christian beliefs, it quickly reveals that the Quran has the authority to override Old and New Testament teachings.

The Muslim version of heaven

The Muslim vision of heaven differs slightly from the typical Christian depiction. In fact, there are seven heavens mentioned in the Quran (a concept carried over from the Jewish Talmud).

The Quran notes that people are “ranked” in heaven according to the number and quality of good deeds they do, and many Muslims believe this ranking dictates which “heaven” you will be admitted to.

In most instances, heaven is described as a “garden wherein streams flow”, a peaceful place where those granted entry can live an existence of luxury amongst flowing rivers, fruit trees, servants, and as noted in one verse, young virgin women. Notice that there is no mention of “72 virgins for every man” in the Quran. This often-quoted number comes from a hadith, a sort of eye-witness commentary on the Quran and life of Muhammad.

… Quite Lengthy but READ ENTIRETY (A Christian guide to the Quran – the surprising truth behind the religion of Islam; Bible Blender; 2/10/15)

Zaheer Baig mentions these names from the Quran that are also in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus:


·         In the Bible, God tells the man to name the animals.[22] In the Qur'an, God teaches Adam the names "of all things" and Adam repeats them.[15]

·         In the second of the Bible's creation stories, the woman is created from the rib of the man. In the Qur'an, Eve is not mentioned by name, but it states that all mankind were created from one soul (Adam).[23][24]

·         In the Bible, the forbidden tree named is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (3:5), and while its fruit is often depicted as an apple, the Bible does not describe the fruit.[25] In the Qur'an the forbidden tree is not named but Shaitaan calls it The Tree of Eternity to deceive Adam and his wife.[15]

·         In the Bible, God creates man in His own image.[26] In the Qur'an, God says "Surely the likeness of (Prophet) Isa(Jesus in Bible) is with God as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he was."[8]

·         In the Qur'an, God tells the angels to prostrate before Adam (as a sign of respect and obedience), but Iblis (thereafter referred to as Shaitaan) refuses.[27] In the Bible, no such account is given.

·         According to the Bible, because of God's curse, serpents have to crawl and eat dust, women have to suffer in childbirth, and men have to sweat for a living. The Biblical story also states that women will suffer from periods and will bear pregnancy pain.[28] This apparently differentiates blessing and obedience from pain and sinning. According to the Qur'an, no such curse was issued. The difficulties of life on earth are what makes it different from life in paradise. (Adam and Eve (آدم Adam and حواء Hawwaa); Wikipedia)

Cain and Able or (Qābīl and Hābīl)

The story of Cain and Abel

·         After Cain killed his brother Abel, The Quran says that "Allah sent a raven who scratched the ground to show him how to hide the shame of his brother." Surah 5:31. This is not mentioned in the Bible. (The Bible vs. The Quran: The Story of Cain and Abel; By Abdullah al Araby; Islam Review)


·         The Qur'an focuses on a dialogue between Noah and the wicked (Hud 11:32–37), in which Noah unsuccessfully attempts to remonstrate with his countrymen, who reject his message. Genesis does not mention such a dialogue. (In the Christian Bible, 2Peter2:5, Noah is called a "preacher of righteousness".)

·         In the Qur'an, Noah's wife and one of his sons reject him (Hud 11:43) and die in the flood, while some people outside his family are faithful and join him (Hud 11:42). In the biblical narrative, Noah's wife together with his three sons and their wives all board the Ark, but no others.

·         In the Qur'an, there is no such indication that the flood was universal, although many Islamic scholars claim to interpret otherwise.

·         In the Qur'an, the Ark is said to rest on the hills of Mount Judi (Hud 11:44); in the Bible, it is said to rest on the mountains of Ararat (Gen. 8:4) The Al-Djoudi (Judi) is apparently a mount in the Biblical mountain range of Ararat. The Qur'an cites a particular mount in the Ararat Range, whereas the Bible just mentions the Ararat Range by name. There is a Mount Al-Djoudi in the present-day Ararat mountain range in Turkey. (Noah (نوح Nūḥ); Wikipedia)


·         In Genesis, the sacrificial son is Isaac, whereas in the Qur'an it is Ishmael (Ismā'īl إسماعيل), since it first narrates this story, followed by the account (mentioned above) of Abraham receiving the tidings of a son, Isaac (As-Saaffat 37:102–112. Therefore, Muslims believe the sacrificial son was Ishmael (Ismā'īl إسماعيل) and that this event happened prior to Isaac's birth. It may be added that the name Abraham is a literary trope in Genesis Ab- "father-of(-many-nations)" while the Arabic name masks the connection. In the New Testament the son is Isaac (James 2:21).

·         While God seems to speak directly to Abraham in Genesis, He speaks through a vision in the Qur'an.

·         In the Qur'an, Abraham directly tells his son Ishmael (Ismā'īl إسماعيل) that he intends to sacrifice him. In Genesis, Abraham tells Isaac, that "God will provide the sacrifice." (Abraham (Ibrāhīm ابراهيم); Wikipedia)

Isaac and Ishmael – Child of Promise?

·         Isaac was the only promised child of Abraham, a fact which the Quran agrees with (cf. Genesis 17:15-21; Surah 11:69-73, 37:112-113, 51:24-30). Ishmael was never a promised child.

·         Isaac was conceived miraculously to a barren mother and a very aged father, with the Quran likewise agreeing (cf. Genesis 17:15-17, 18:9-15, 21:1-7; Galatians 4:28-29; Surah 11:69-73, 51:24-30). Ishmael was conceived normally without the need of any miraculous intervention.

·         God promised that it would be Isaac's descendants who would inherit the land given to Abraham. (Genesis 13:14-18, 15:18-21, 28:13-14). Ishmael had no part in the inheritance and promise given to Isaac through Abraham. (Abraham and the Child of Sacrifice - Isaac or Ishmael? By Sam Shamoun; Answering Islam)

The TRUE Word of God on Isaac and Ishmael:

21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, 24 which things are symbolic. For these are the[a] two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar— 25 for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children— 26 but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. 29 But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now. 30 Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.”[a] 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free. (Galatians 4: 21-26, 28-31 NKJV)


·         The Biblical Moses is reluctant to become a prophet and makes excuses. He eventually agrees and Aaron speaks and performs miracles at first until Moses is ready and takes over. In Quran, Aaron was made God's messenger on Moses' request to back him up in the difficult task. Moses asked God to give him human support from Family, then ask for Aaron (his brother) praising Aaron by saying that he (Aaron) is better speaker than him (Moses).

·         The sorcerers, in the Quranic story, repent after seeing Moses' signs and submit to God at the anger of Pharaoh.

·         In the Quran, Pharaoh didn't repent but tried to deceive Moses and God by saying that now he believes in one God, the God of Moses and Aaron (while drowning). But God didn't accept this because he sought repentance at the time of death after seeing the angels.

·         In the Bible, Moses first goes to Pharaoh without showing any signs.

·         In Exodus, Aaron helps make the golden calf. In the Quran, Aaron himself was a messenger of God and was representing Moses in his absences. He opposed that idea with all his might and warned the Israelites that God will be angry with them. In the Qur'an, a person named Samiri (not to be confused with Samaritans) leads the Israelites to worship the golden calf.

·         Pharaoh drowns in Exodus. In the Quran, Pharaoh drowned as well, but God said in the Qur'an that he preserved the pharaoh's body as an example for generations to come (or made an example for coming generations) (Moses (Mūsā موسى); Wikipedia)

Jesus Christ the Son of God

… The Christian faith has several key beliefs. The teaching that is unique to the Christian faith is that there is one God who eternally manifests Himself in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is known as the Godhead or the blessed Trinity. The second critical doctrine is that Jesus of Nazareth is the only begotten Son of God; therefore He is unique from everyone else. His Father was not human, but the holy God of Israel. The third key doctrine is that the Lord Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for man’s sin and then rose from the dead. There are other important doctrines, but these three really comprise the very heart of the Christian faith.

… The Koran claims that the Lord Jesus is only an apostle and for Christians to desist from teaching the blessed Trinity! In this same Sura, the Koran denies the Lord Jesus is the Son of God.

In one Sura the Koran attacks the very heart of Christianity by denying the blessed Trinity and that the Lord Jesus is the only begotten Son of God! It calls Christians liars and demands that the preaching of the Trinity and Jesus being the Son of God stop. The Koran identifies Christians sometimes as “followers of the book,” but when they proclaim Christian doctrine, the Koran then calls them liars. …

… The Koran even states in Sura 9:30 that those that believe Allah has a son should be destroyed by Allah! The Koran is very clear that it was written to attack this Christian doctrine.

The Koran literally says the Lord Jesus did not die on the cross. It claims that He appeared to have died on the cross, but He was not killed nor was He crucified. Allah just took Jesus to heaven. The Koran directly attacks the vicarious death of Jesus of Nazareth on the cross, and thus rejects His redemption of man from sin. …

… The very heart of Christianity that the Lord is the Son of God is the worst sin in Islam! According to the Koran, Allah forbids heaven to anyone who commits this sin and their abode is hell without any help.

… The Koran states that God does not have a son. The Bible states that all life is in the Lord Jesus as the only begotten Son of God. With the Bible, if you have the Son, you have eternal life: if you do not have the Son, then you do not have eternal life. A person that does not believe this makes God a liar. The Koran written 500 years after these verses denies the Son, and therefore makes the God of the Bible a liar. The Bible is written in the positive stating God has a Son. …

… The warning of the Bible is same today as it was at the time of Muhammad:

1 John 5:9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.

(10) He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

(11) And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

(12) He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

(13) These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

… (The Koran Directly Attacks Christianity; By John McTernan; Defend and Proclaim the Faith; Copyright 2009 by John McTernan: All rights reserved.)

Needless to say, I highly disagree with Zaheer Baig assertions that Islam is a peaceful faith in which “…  souls find true happiness and peace” and that the “Islamic position is that all of these prophets came with the same message, that there is no deity worthy of worship except the One True God, known in Arabic as Allah.”

That Islamic deception is a blatant antichrist lie!

18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the[a] Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.

22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

24 Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life.

26 These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you.

4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that[a] Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

12 No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. 15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. (1 John 2: 18-19, 22-26; 4: 1-3, 12-16 NKJV - Bold text by Editor)

JRH 4/17/15

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