Monday, March 23, 2015


Abortion Indoctrination- Anti-Woman, Anti-Human & Ant9-Christ

Personhood is the cultural and legal recognition of the equal and unalienable rights of human beings.

“Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man.” -Thomas Jefferson

When the term “person” is applied to a particular class of human beings, it is an affirmation of their individual rights. In other words, to be a person is to be protected by a series of God-given rights and constitutional guarantees such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (What is Personhood? Personhood USA; Copyright 2013. © All Rights reserved.)

Abortion is infanticide and infanticide is murder.

Robert Smith writes about this kind of murder.

JRH 3/23/15

By Robert G. Smith
Sent: 3/22/2015 8:09 PM

Murder, in criminal law, is the unjustified killing of one person by another, usually distinguished from man-slaughter by the element of malice aforethought.

Most states distinguish between murder in the first degree and murder in the second degree with capital punishment limited to crimes of clear intent.

If I as a citizen of the United States have some person threatening my life style, through no fault of their own, and I, after much planning and deliberation, kill that person to rid myself of the threat,  have committed murder in the first degree.

In all probability, after a trial by a jury of my peers, I will receive a sentence, which could be life imprisonment or even death.

It has been determined by scientists and the Supreme Court that life begins at conception.

So we now come to abortion!!

Abortion- an induced expulsion of a fetus accompanied by or followed by the death of the fetus.

When a woman finds she is pregnant, it is definitely a threat to her life style.

She now has two options, she can carry the child inside her to term or she can have an abortion.

It does not take a scholar or a genius to know that an abortion takes a great deal of thought and planning.

So the question arises, has the woman that opts to have an abortion committed a premeditated [first-degree] murder?

Has the doctor that preformed the killing of an innocent child committed first-degree murder?

What do you think?

By PSG [ret] R.G. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk

© Robert G. Smith

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