Monday, March 2, 2015

Europe: Nordic Supremacism vs. Counterjihadism

Making Eurabia
John R. Houk
© March 2, 2015

The reason I chose another <<sales narrative>> in the compendium was among other things to prevent them from immediately ending the ideological discussion with their <<6-million-omg-nazi-enough-said>>- bashing stick. I know a lot of people will be disappointed when reading this, but my love for Israel is limited to its future function as a deportation-port for disloyal jews. I am aware of the sad fact that all available statistics confirm that only aprox. Three percent of eurojews oppose multiculti (but from an anti-islamist perspective), and that only approx. 0.2 percent support nordic indigenous rights. I wish it wasn’t so. The reason why so called <<counterjihadists>>, at least the great majority, seemingly <<praise>> Israel, is to avoid the above described suppression-tactic. However, there is in fact a strong anti-nordicist/ethnocentrist wing within the counter-jihad movement, represented by Fjordman and his Jewish network, the EDL-leader, the SIOE-leaders, Wilders, Farage etc., but their organisations are so heavily infiltrated by nordicists and ethnocentrists that it’s hard to say which wing are actually controlling them. (Anders Breivik - Norwegian-to-English translation)

The above translated to English quote defines the real difference between Europe’s Neo-Nazi/Fascist movements and the nationalistic Right Wing Counterjihadist movements. The first is nationalistic racism politically and the second is nationalistic cultural preservation that is anti-Islamic (but not maliciously violent racist) and not antisemitic.

The Neo-Nazis, which in 21st century, are more likely to describe themselves as advocates of a pure Nordic Supremacist race rather than German Aryan Supremacists of Hitler’s Nazis.

European Counterjihadists wish to prevent the immigration of counter-culture Muslims, demand assimilation acceptance standards of resident immigrants, naturalized immigrants and natural born Muslims; or the deportation of Muslims who refuse to respect Western (not necessarily Christian) laws and cultural mores.

The European Multiculturalist Left (and their North American Leftist cousins) group Nordic Supremacists and Counterjihadists and call them extremist Right Wing nut jobs. Counterjihadists deplore being grouped with Nordic Supremacists. AND Nordic Supremacist purists deplore Counterjihadists and the Nordicists that swing toward tolerance of Counterjihadists.

I sense it is a good guess that Nordic Supremacists contribute to the rising antisemitism in Europe by grouping Left Wing Jews as traitorous Eurojews. I suspect there is no love for Observant Jews either, but I could not tell from the Nordicist Norwegian essayist explaining his belief system. Rather than follow the Hitler Final Solution of annihilation he supports deporting Left Wing Jews to Israel.

Contrary to the Nordic Supremacists, the Counterjihadists are quite favorable toward European Jews because Leftist Jews have very much so assimilated to Western Culture and Observant Jews have zero intention of affecting Western Culture or the Rule of Law in any way negatively on the Western nation they have are citizens (probably dwelling therein for many centuries for that matter).

Ergo Nordic Supremacists are racists and Counterjihadists are not racists but are promoters of their nationality’s indigenous culture and Rule of Law.

I am cross posting the Google English translation of Bjorn Brataas’ essay to get a good snapshot of the differences between Nordic Supremacists and Counterjihadists. I just want to be clear I am in no way supportive of Nordic Supremacism. As far as I am concerned Nordicists are as counter-culture as Islamic Supremacists. BUT it is my belief Americans need to understand what is currently convulsing Europe. Islamic radicalism is bringing more and more voting citizens in Europe toward an affinity of Nordic Supremacism and Counterjihadism. The problem is the standard cross-European voter does not really distinguish between the two movements but are just darn weary of the violent turmoil erupting in their neighborhoods from violent Muslims.

European Leftists really control the dispensing of the Rule of Law in Europe primarily through the auspices of the European Union (EU). And as such, Leftists are grouping both movements as Right Wing extremists to keep the voters voting for them. It is my suspicion that Muslim violence will increase in such a way that European voters will eventually vote more and more for the most eloquent nationalist that wishes to prevent Muslim violence. Let the world pray that eloquent anti-Muslim violence representative is a Counterjihadist rather than a Neo-Nazi Nordicist. Counterjihadists will be a positive for the preservation of the heritage of Greco-Roman-Judeo-Christian cultural influences. Nordicists will be as culturally disruptive as Islamic Supremacists.

JRH 3/2/15
Fjordman and his Jewish network ..." Lest this letter from Breivik?
Anders Breivik Jewed the Jews

February 22, 2015 6:27 pm
[English by Google Translate]
[Also read Gates of Vienna version from Breivik and commentary which is excellent]

This letter, i.e. the availability of it - and in English - is now a year and a half old. I did not know about it until I came across it by chance.

It is not entirely uninteresting reading. The quote I pasted in the headline is a gold grain itself, though not exactly representative of the rest of the content of the letter.

I present text here when one of Witness main functions is to disseminate information that is not readily available - while we trust that the reader has their own judgment and it is up to him whether he "likes" or "dislikes," or agrees or disagree substance posted. It is this media is all about.

[Bjorn Brataas]
Anders Breivik - screen capture from Anders Breivik to Gates of Vienna & International Press

Anders Behring Breivik letter 13-09-29 to International Press

Explanations, clarifications and the peace proposal – NRK, TV2, Aftenposten, VG and Dagbladet (<<the big five>>), are refusing to consider.

The ideology known as <<Nordicism [Metapedia and Wikipedia]>> has two wings; Nordic superiority (NS) and Nordic survival (indigenous rights activism). Being a nordicist of the latter category; my primary purpose is to contribute to secure the survival and prosperity of the Nordic ethnic family (the Nordic, race). National socialists and hitlerists refer to the west-nordic people as the <<Aryan race>>. There are three European races; Nordic (physical characteristics: blonde/blue eyed/longer forehead/etc.), alpine (half nordic/half Mediterranean – f. example the French) and Mediterranean – f. example most people in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece etc.). <<Meds>> are approx. 20 percent Nordic and 80 percent Asiatic. The essence of nordicism isn’t to exclude or discriminate but to strive for the pure Nordic ideal. Wiki Madison Grant [White Supremacist praise of Madison] for more info. Whenever a northern-European nationalist is talking about the genocide, deconstruction or ethnic cleansing of his people, he is talking about the following (illustration box):

Overview: The estimated time until extinction for the Nordic ethnic family if our survival is not secured: ethnic composition-13 Nordic countries in percent. Nordic vs. non-nordic. Overview of the 13 largest Nordic countries where Nordics have status as an indigenous people and until recently made out the majority: Germany, England, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Finland, Iceland and Luxembourg.

Nordic (1)
Nordic (2)
Tot. North.
Tot. Non-North.
Nordic (1) = purity: 60-95%
Nordic (2) = purity: <95%+

The estimated time until extinction for the Nordic race occurs sometime between 2050 [Blog Editor: Hence the title of Breivic’s PDF document “2083 – A European Declaration of Independence”] and 2100. Presupposes today’s non-nordic immigration of 1% per year, today’s fertility rate, and that Nordics are not granted autonomous indigenous states. The biggest threat is neither African nor Asian immigration, but in fact inter-EEC immigration from members from the Mediterranean ethnic family and from the alpine.

When dealing with media-psychopaths

And this is where it gets problematic. The <<big five>> and liberal media in general have over the last 68 years developed multiple suppression-tactics for <<handling>> nordicists and other nationalists. Propaganda, or the use of false or exaggerated information for the support of a view or case, has been used for thousands of years to suppress political opposition, and unfortunately it’s quite effective.

All research, illustrated by a report published in <<Scientific American Mind>>, Jan/Feb. 2013, shows that the professions; “Media (TV/Radio)” and “Journalists” top the list over the most psychopathic professions, as they are among the most notorious manipulators, liars and deceivers. When a journalist in addition is a leftist, who is tasked with making an <<objective>> characteristic of a <<right wing extremist>>, you know that the result will be everything but credible.

The editors of Norway’s <<big five>> are even more leftist than their colleagues in other countries, with exceptions being Sweden and Germany. Most, if not all, of the influential editors are disciples of the 68-revolutions ideals. For example the chief editor in Aftenposten; Haugsgjerd, is a former member of AKP (Workers Communist Party), which used to make <<kill-lists>> of right wing politicians, and several of Dagbladet’s editors are self-proclaimed communists. Unfortunately, Norwegian and northern-European editors are such people. The most influential editors in Norway, for example Stanghelle, Giever, Strand, several in NRK etc., are so influential that they, a small group of no more than 20 editors, literally define reality, in Norway. The editors in NRK, Aftenposten and VG are referred to as <<the Oslo mafia>> by smaller media companies, and are known for their consensus-decisions and left wing orientation. The northern-European media’s zero-tolerance stance towards nationalists the last 68 years has been our greatest problem.

Although the British cultural elite admitted in 2008/09 that Nordic brats are in fact indigenous to the UK, their Norwegian colleagues are still refusing to acknowledge the fact that nordic-Norwegians are indigenous to Norway. These 20 editors are simply refusing to discuss the issue, and if you try to stress the issue you will be labeled as a Nazi and held accountable for the Jewish holocaust etc., an effective suppression-tactic.

22/7 was an attempt to force these 20 editors, and their colleagues in the other 12 Nordic countries into dialogue with their country’s nordicist-movements (you call them Nazi-movements). The compendium was an experimental approach. I wanted to try a different approach by making it impossible for the MSM in all 13 Nordic countries to end the discussion, using the Nazi-tactic. I was obviously naive enough to think that this approach would lead to a scenario where there could be a serious discussion about the MSMs 68-year witch-hunt and about securing Nordic survival.

If I could say anything to the editors in NRK, TV2, Aftenposten, VG, Dagbladet, and their northern-European colleagues, it would be; can we please just skip all the false propaganda and B.S. and focus on solving these issues through dialogue. You can start by announcing a formal apology and declare that the Nordics are indeed indigenous to all 13 Nordic countries. Afterwards, you can accept the invitation to dialogue with the nordicist-movements. Let’s start discussing <<Project Yggdrasil>>. My book; <<The Nordic Federation>> describes this peace-plan through 400 pages, but, it has been blocked by Norwegian prison authorities since 11.07.13. It’s also important to note that <<Project Yggdrasil [Blog Editor: This is the name of a blog devoted to Breivik thoughts. It has been taken down by Blogger probably due to the info found in this pro-Breivik Blog]>> [Blog Editor: What’s the reference to “Yggdrasil”?  Yggdrasil is the Norse mythological Tree of Life] was developed after 22/7 [Blog Editor: 22/7 refers to the date July 7, 2011 in which Breivik is responsible for the slaughter of 77 people – mostly youthful teens] and has nothing to do with the compendium [i.e. his 1500 page manuscript linked above]. Securing the survival of our Nordic race is an issue of utmost urgency. Consider this a formal invitation to reconciliation-talks, talks which should have taken place in 1945. I would have been able to contact the nordicist-leaders in all 13 countries, if it weren’t for the letter ban. Whatever you choose, know that you, the editors, have the influence to decide whether this conflict will end. Be smart, choose dialogue instead of persecution, for the first time in 68 years.

The reason I chose another <<sales narrative>> in the compendium was among other things to prevent them from immediately ending the ideological discussion with their <<6-million-omg-nazi-enough-said>>- bashing stick. I know a lot of people will be disappointed when reading this, but my love for Israel is limited to its future function as a deportation-port for disloyal Jews. I am aware of the sad fact that all available statistics confirm that only approx. three percent of eurojews oppose multiculti (but from an anti-Islamist perspective), and that only approx. 0.2 percent support nordic indigenous rights. I wish it wasn’t so. The reason why so called <<counterjihadists>>, at least the great majority, seemingly <<praise>> Israel, is to avoid the above described suppression-tactic. However, there is in fact a strong anti-nordicist/ethnocentrist wing within the counter-jihad movement, represented by Fjordman and his Jewish network, the EDL-leader, the SIOE-leaders, Wilders, Farage etc., but their organisations are so heavily infiltrated by nordicists and ethnocentrists that it’s hard to say which wing are actually controlling them.

When dealing with media psychopaths, a good way to counter their tactics is to use double-psychology, or at least so I thought. The compendium was, among other things, of a calculated and quite cynical <<gateway-design>> (the 2+?+?=6 -approach), created to strengthen the ethnocentrist wing in the contra-jihad movement, by pinning the whole thing on the anti-ethnocentrist wing (many of the leaders are pro-multiculti social democrats or liberalists), while at the same time protecting and strengthening the ethnocentrist-factions. The idea was to manipulate the MSM and others so that they would launch a witch-hunt and send their <<media-rape-squads>> against our opponents. It worked quite well.

I was never kicked out of Stormfront [Blog Editor: A racist White Supremacist website founded by Don Black – SPLC profile (I usually critical of SPLC because they lump legitimate Conservatives with actual White Supremacist) and ADL profile]. Instead, I attacked them in the compendium in order to protect them, as I knew the authorities would use the fact that I frequented the site, against them, and that an army of leftist journalists otherwise would strike hard. I tried to hint about this double-psychology, by quoting <<war is deceit>> x number of times, but I couldn’t make it more obvious, as it had to be credible to the aggressive army of 2000 media psychopaths (the MSM-rape-squad). The <<hug-your-opponents, kick-the-ones-you-love>>-tactic is one of the oldest in the book. The infiltration of the Freemasons, followed by the publication of the Freemason-pic, was in fact a deliberate and calculated attack against them.

Obviously, none of the above would have worked if it wasn’t credible. When I tried to publish three essays describing all of this, on 20.08.12, I was notified about the <<gag-directive>> which came into effect 08.08.12. Apparently, many people didn’t comprehend my deliberate usage of double-psychology, and this is my own fault. In any case, the Fjordman-network figured it out quite early, which explain why they have attacked me so viciously. It wasn’t my intention to cause the outing of Fjordman, with subsequently him being brutally media-raped by 200 MSM-psychopaths. But on the other hand, ethnocentrism gained momentum at the same time as I managed to prevent a significant crackdown against the European and US nordicist movement.

There has been an active power-struggle between the two factions within the contra-jihadist movement for years, and the reason why it’s so critically important to dominate and influence this movement is because it acts as a <<supplier of terms>> to moderate European nationalist parties with a base consisting of tens of millions of Europeans. The battle within the <<counter-jihad>>-movement is in many ways a battle for the future content of northern-European nationalism. This makes it even more ironic that many nordicists and ethnocentric nationalists, Stormfront included, still don’t know that I systematically used double-psychology in order to protect them, and in an attempt to prevent the multiculti MSM from using their <<I-win-button>>.

Did I serve the nordicist cause more effectively by using this tactic, rather than using rhetoric which would immediately allow them to label me as a Nazi? I believe so, but other than me should be the final judge of that.

When dealing with an angry mob of influential journalists and editors representing the worlds most advanced propaganda machinery, you’re fundamentally screwed no matter how you choose to maneuver. Propagandists will not waste a single second on people they do not view as threats. I could have easily avoided excessive pathologisation by keeping the message short and by clinging to the already established ideological cliff of national socialism (it’s important to remember that this was at a time when all right wing radicals were labeled as Nazis), but if they had been allowed to label me as a Nazi, the ideological considerations and discussions would be over, and my court-speeches and propaganda performance would never be broadcasted worldwide, during the trial. Furthermore, people would not be forced to seek answers in the compendium along the way. Regardless of their efforts, I felt I managed to make the best out of an almost impossible situation, despite of the fact that I made a few mistakes during the process.

As for my efforts to try to force the editors and ruling politicians in each of the 13 Nordic countries into dialogue with the nordicist-movements, I failed miserably, not surprisingly. It is after all a theoretical impossibility that a single soldier could manage to succeed where potent movements have failed for 68 years. But everyone should know that 22/7 happened in order to try to force a dialogue between the chief editors in the <<big five>> in all 13 Nordic countries, and the so called <<fascist movements>> in the corresponding countries.

I remember there was at least one journalist during the trial touching the core of this issue, as he stated; <<The only thing that could prevent the extinction of Nordics are racial hygiene-programmes on a full scale, something which is impossible in today’s multiethnic and multicultural societies. Therefore, it is pointless to enter into dialogue with “these people”. We simply can’t co-exist with them>>. First of all, we are of course fully aware of the fact that you feel you have no other choice than to suppress us, due to this reason. And you have been brutal the past 68 years. This harsh suppression and persecution has driven thousands of nationalists in northern-Europe to suicide, something which explains why these editors don’t like to admit to being responsible for these acts. However, if only more than one out of 5000 Nordic journalists could be this honest, 22/7 and approx. 500 annual nationalist and <<racist>> attacks could be avoided in the future.

Of course we understand that full scale racial hygiene-programmes are difficult in today’s societies. But if they had just stopped their bigotry for one second and listened to what we have to say, they would have learned that we can coexist. First of all, one of the reasons the first- and second-generation nordicist leaders have failed with entering into dialogue, is because of their <<all-or-nothing>>-strategy. From a “third-generation” point of view, considering that we lost the European civil war (WW2), the <<all-or-nothing>>-approach has been a complete failure, and continuing this path is counter-productive, irresponsible and may lead to extinction of the nordic race. Changing this to an <<all-or-something>>-approach is the only way to go. One bird in the hand is better than ten on the roof. <<Project Yggdrasil>> is a very good solution and a realistic compromise.

I believe I will be able to sell in PY to the vast majority of nordicist-leaders in all 13 Nordic countries, as soon as you lift the letter ban. The message I would send to the chief editors in NRK, TV2, Aftenposten, VG and Dagbladet, is; I ask that you support <<Project Yggdrasil>> in Norway, contributing to a situation where we are allowed to secure nordic-Norwegian survival in <<Norway-Yggdrasil>>, a Norwegian-nordic indigenous state located in Østfold, consisting of two percent of the Norwegian territory. It’s also a very small price to pay in order to end a 68 year old conflict. If an agreement is reached you will be free to transform 98 percent of Norway into your multiethnic and multicultural utopia, without the risk of facing the alternative. This model would succeed in northern-Europe, just as it would succeed on a purely political level – securing peace between <<islamofascists>> on one side, and liberalists/social democrats on the other, in countries such as Egypt and Pakistan.

I’m quite sure that project Yggdrasil in Norway, and in the other 12 Nordic countries, would solve a conflict which has been unsolved during the last 68 years. I ask that I’m allowed to present this peace plan to the leading nordicist voices in Norway; Tore Tvedt, Varg Vikernes, Erik Blucher, Nicolay Kvisler and others (no need to target them, as they are all non-militant political activists). Securing Nordic survival is the most important cause for all of us, and I believe they will be willing to abandon their <<all-or-nothing>>-approach, for the sake of a small but sovereign indigenous state.

If my assumption is correct, then a peace agreement can be reached within a year, if the chief editors in NRK, TV2, Aftenposten, VG and Dagbladet decide to support the plan, and the same could be a reality for the rest of northern-Europe within two years, if movements in these countries follow.

The forming of a parliamentary basis for the founding of this autonomous Norwegian-nordic indigenous state in south-west Østfold will only be possible with the backing of the editors in these five companies, as they define the political agenda in Norway. Not a single parliament member in Norway will ever dare to back project Yggdrasil without the blessing from the editors in these companies.

If these editors continue to refuse to have anything to do with me, the above mentioned individuals are all capable. They are the unofficial leaders of the Norwegian nordicist movement, through example, personal sacrifice and continued effort, whether they like it or not. When the Norwegian MSM announced that Fjordman was my role model and idol, they couldn’t be more wrong. These four individuals, on the other hand, are all worthy of trust, respect and praise, due to their past and continued efforts. Their advice and recommendations should be listened to by all Norwegian nationalists. Furthermore, the candidates they support can be trusted. I hope they soon will contribute to take responsibility by uniting the Norwegian nationalist movement by forming an equivalent entity to that of the Swedes Party. The reason I’m saying all of this is because it’s likely I’ll soon be <<out of the game>>, as I won’t be able to survive the SHS-programme for much longer.

Unfortunately but not surprisingly, the response from editors to the mentioned information will either be total silence or even more ridicule and pathologisation. After this letter I’ll probably have +2 conditions and +3 personality disorders, or perhaps the imaginary <<bad childhood>> will end up being worse. But before these editors reject <<Project Yggdrasil>>, and of course they will; they should ask them-selves; are you 100 percent sure that dialogue and reconciliation-attempts isn’t the way forward?

In any case, their limitless bigotry and denial, until now, has at least been quite amusing.

[These were the first 5 pages, the remaining pages haven't been published in full yet.]

[The following quotes were taken from]

I have guaranteed and will continue to guarantee that I will no longer propagate violence as a political tool, or for any other reason, as my only plan has been to attempt to become a fascistic “Mandela”, or to contribute to work for Nordics rights in other ways. (Page 10)

The reason why I’m so intensely hated by the left, and many others, has little to do with my acts, but everything to do with the “negative” media campaigns which have been, and continue to be carried out. The word “mass murderer” or “mass killer” is used consistently by journalists.

These 100 individuals were sons, daughters, fathers and mothers, and their families experienced an equal tragedy to that of the 22/7-families. Both myself and Sønsteby were radical nationalists fighting against foreign enemies and against Norwegians who facilitated a foreign invasion. The only difference was that Sønsteby, uninformed regarding the Labour Party’s future plans concerning forced ethnic and cultural deconstruction (muliticulti), fought to bring the social democrats to power, while I fought against Labour. (s. 16)

… a conflict that will continue for decades to come. Why can’t we all get along, and stop acting like angry 12-year olds? We have wanted dialogue with you for 68 years, and you refuse to even acknowledge the existence of the Norwegian fascist movement and instead try to label us as nuts and victims of child abuse. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

… tormented until I am pushed to take my own life.

Ila is refusing me to move on with my life, despite of exemplary behavior for 27 months, without exception.

The 22/7-attacks are today celebrated by the far right in all European countries, either you like it or not, and I have been celebrated as a hero, martyr, role-model and as a source of inspiration by tens of thousands. One of the reasons why more people began to support the reasons for the acts, is because I carried out the trial with dignity, in many people’s eyes, and that I at the same time continuously have demanded that Europe’s political elites, including European mainstream media, must immediately stop treating Norwegian, Nordic and European nationalists and fascists like animals, and instead go into dialogue with us, in order that we are granted a minimum of self-determination.

I have the last 27 months proved that the only thing I desire is to be a good role model to others.

The large majority of my supporters are, perhaps surprisingly to most, non-militant and non-violent “right-wing radicals”. It would also have ruined every chance to become what I feel obligated to try to be; a non-violent ideologue and a more active politician.

Violence is not, and has never been, a part of my ideology. The action was among other things a mean to bring attention to an important cause, and therefore to get a chance to bypass the wall of censorship to propagate important information, but it was not a part of my ideology.

It’s correct that the manifesto was a terror manual, like any other ideology’s terror-manuals. But a so called terror-manual is simply propagating means, and is never part of an ideology.

In other words I’m not longer a right wing extremist.… (willing to use violence), but a so called right wing radical.

The main reason for the fall of Labour, however, was the easily anticipated effect of double-psychology concerning the initial sympathy-phase. It was easy to see that Labour was going to make the critical mistake of misusing this opportunity, which caused significant over-exposure and subsequent antipathy. As a student of history, it was very easy to anticipate these events.

Even the Nazis treated Russian prisoners of war and the Jews more humanely, both in Auschwitz – Block 11, and later in Auschwitz-Birkenau. It may be true that the prisoners were forced to work until they couldn’t take it anymore, for economic gain, but they were executed in the most humane manner by zyklon-B-gas. The work able men who behaved exemplary during the stay were rarely subjected to either high- or low-intensive torture. They were all spared the suffering of long-term isolation, and were given the opportunity to be part of a community together with their own. Most of them were later, through humane executions, granted an honorable martyr’s death.

And if any of them wanted to end the forced labour, they could at any given time request a painless and honorable martyr’s death, by letting a guard know.

Apparently, all the Auschwitz-Jews got off easily, as they were evidently shown a much greater degree of humanism than I have been shown by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the prison authorities.

I showed a greater degree of humanism on 22/7, than what I have been shown after. I did in fact everything in my power to ensure that the 50 AUF-leaders and the 15 regular AUF-members were granted a quick and painless death. I granted them all an honorable martyr’s death, and due to their political sacrifice they were all, and are still, celebrated as champions of the internationalist socialist movement …

I would never, even if I was given the opportunity to do so, torture another human being, not even my worst enemy.

So if you are not willing to contribute to stop the torture, then you should at least show me the level of humanity that I and the Nazis showed.

I cannot kill myself, because my religion does not permit me. Suicide is a cowardly and unforgivable act that must never be considered by anyone. On the other hand, that’s easy for Jesus to say. He only had to hang on the cross for three days, and not 27 months.

Islamofascists in the Arab world, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, are treated just as badly as the nationalists in Europe.

But I have never hated them, not even now.

You have treated me much worse that an animal for 27 months! This is a fate much worse than death, and I would have preferred, if it was possible, to be granted at least the same degree of humanity that the Auschwitz-Jews were shown by the SS, instead of being subjected to abuse and treated worse than an animal for six more months.
Europe: Nordic Supremacism vs. Counterjihadism
John R. Houk
© March 2, 2015
Fjordman and his Jewish network ..." Lest this letter from Breivik?

© 2015 witness. Editor for is bear Brataas.

Blog Editor: Google English translation edited by John R. Houk and spellcheck. Words that I was unsure were left alone as well as the British spelling of English words. I allowed spellcheck to capitalize many words that in my estimation should have been so; however it is possible that Anders intentionally did not capitalize some words. Keep in mind this is an English translation from Norwegian text so I am going to assume Google needed an alternative spelling. Explanatory embedded links are by the Editor.

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