Sunday, January 19, 2014

USA, EU and UN join to MAKE a Judenrein Palestinian State

No Jews Palestine - Dry Bones
John R. Houk
© January 19, 2014

There has been a conflict between Israel and Arabs – primarily Muslim – since the Jews managed to turn the hope of the Balfour Declaration hope into a Jewish State reality in their ancestral land in 1948. The essence of the conflict is simpler than world leaders are willing to admit. The conflict boils down to the thousands of years desire to return to their Biblically Promised Land and multiple centuries of persecution that spanned the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Christian Europe through the ages including the NAZI Holocaust of late 1930s to 1945 and actually a modern reemergence today. The Balfour Declaration perceived as a promise of return for Jews rubbed Muslims who had been indoctrinated in Islamic Supremacism of once land was conquered it became a part of the Land of Islam (Dar al Islam) never to be restored to the conquered non-Muslims. The 20th century Alia of Jews to the Holy Land was and still is a miniscule portion of the actual Holy Land/Levant area AND YET Muslim theopolitical ideology refuses such a small portion to exist under non-Muslim control. As long as Muslims view the Quran as the pure very word of their Allah sent through Mohammed and as long as the almost as holy Islamic Hadith and Sira-Sunnah commentaries amplify Quranic hatred of Jews there will be no end to a conflict between Israel and Muslims motivated by Islamic Supremacist Dar al Harb thinking. UNLESS of course the Islamic terrorist led coalition of Arabs that call themselves Palestinians succeed in another Jewish genocide destroying Israel. Creating a sovereign Palestinian State that has one purpose in destroying Israel. A Palestinian State will result in a Judenrein area in the new Arab State followed by the design of destroying Israel.

In this present time when you think of the phrase ‘ethnic cleansing’ what is the first thing that comes to mind? As a part of the aging Baby Boom generation the first thing that comes to mind for me is Adolf Hitler’s agenda to rid Europe of traditionally vilified ethnicities, mentally challenged, physically challenged via birth defects, other groups NAZI ideology considered to inferior to mix with the so-called Aryan Germanic peoples and especially Jews. The Hitler-NAZI Solution for a society of ethnically pure Aryan Germanic peoples resulted in around 12 MILLION genocidal deaths. Approximately 6 MILLION of that were Jews.

Other significant moments in recent history’s ethnic cleansing can span from the end of WWI right through to the present day.

Toward the end of WWI Turkey began to ethnically cleanse Armenian Christians killing about 1.5 MILLION Armenians:

In April 1915 the Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic decimation of its civilian Armenian population. The persecutions continued with varying intensity until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist and was replaced by the Republic of Turkey. The Armenian population of the Ottoman state was reported at about two million in 1915. An estimated one million had perished by 1918, while hundreds of thousands had become homeless and stateless refugees. By 1923 virtually the entire Armenian population of Anatolian Turkey had disappeared. (READ MORE - Armenian Genocide; By Rouben Paul Adalian; Armenian National Institute; Copyright © 1998-2014)

After WWI Turkey and Greece had a population exchange of Turks and Greeks with the Greek expulsion becoming brutal:

Pontian and Anatolian Greeks were victims of a broader Turkish genocidal project aimed at all Christian minorities in the Ottoman Empire. A total of more than 3.5 million Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians were killed under the successive regimes of the Young Turks and of Mustafa Kemal from roughly 1914 to 1923. Of this, as many as 1.5 million Greeks may have died. The end of the genocide marked a profound rupture in the long Greek historical presence on the Asia Minor. (READ MOREBold Emphasis Mine; The Genocide of Ottoman Greeks, 1914-1923; Copyright © 2013, Rutgers)

Here is brief gleaning of 20th and 21st Century genocides from “The worst genocides of the 20th and 21st Centuries” provided by Piero Scaruffi in 2009:

o   Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50: 49-78,000,000

o   Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39): 7,000,000 (the gulags plus the purges plus Ukraine's famine)

o   Hideki Tojo (Japan, 1941-44): 5,000,000 (civilians in WWII)

o   Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79): 1,700,000

o   Kim Il Sung (North Korea, 1948-94): 1.6 million (purges and concentration camps)

o   Saddam Hussein (Iran 1980-1990 and Kurdistan 1987-88): 600,000

The above list is only a sampling provided by Piero Scaruffi.

There is the Rwanda Genocide of 1994:

Beginning on April 6, 1994, Hutus began slaughtering the Tutsis in the African country of Rwanda. As the brutal killings continued, the world stood idly by and just watched the slaughter. Lasting 100 days, the Rwanda genocide left approximately 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathizers dead. (READ THE RESTBold Emphasis Mine; Rwanda Genocide; By Jennifer Rosenberg;; ©2014)

There is the Bosnia-Herzegovina Genocide roughly 1992-95 – 200,000:

In the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia. (READ THE REST - Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-1995 – 200,000; Copyright © 1999 The History Place™ All Rights Reserved)

The genocides I have mentioned here are only the ones that my history interests have taken me. This is hardly an exhaustive list of ethnic cleansing.

Are you aware the collusion of USA, EU and the UN to promote sovereign Palestinian State includes PA-PLO Islamic terrorists to make the area Jew-free EVEN THOUGH 20% of the Israel population are Arab Muslims? This amounts to joining the Palestinian elites desire to ethnically cleanse Jews while demanding that not only can Arab Muslims continue to live in Israel but that the descendants of the Arabs made into refugees after the failed invasion of several Arab nations tried to destroy the new Israeli State in 1948. WND’s Joseph Farah has some legitimate and interesting thoughts on this issue.

JRH 1/19/14
'Ethnic cleansing' in 'Palestine'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks, why is U.S. supporting creation of anti-Semitic hate state?
January 17, 2014

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is citing a cold, hard, inconvenient fact I have been pointing out for a number of years – one that has the potential to reframe the entire Israeli-Palestinian debate.

In an hour-long interview with Canada’s CTV this week, he explained that the official position of the Arabs on a Palestinian state is that the land must first be “Jew free” through ethnic cleansing that is rejected everywhere else in the world today an argument first made by me 10 years ago, and I alone have continued to make it repeatedly ever since.

When interviewer Lisa LaFlamme pointed out that one in five Israelis are Arabs, Netanyahu responded: “Sure, we’re not asking them to change their religion. They have full civic rights. Now in the Palestinian state, the way it’s being contemplated, no Jew can live there. It has to be Jew free, ethnic cleansing. Well, what is that? There are Arabs who live here, but they can’t contemplate Jews living there.”

That’s exactly what the Palestinian Authority is demanding – ethnic cleansing of it land so that a future Palestinian state can be Jew-free.

It’s amazing to me that the rest of the civilized world doesn’t categorically reject such a premise. But it doesn’t. In fact, no one even speaks of it. An idea that would be condemned anywhere else in the world is considered appropriate – even commendable – in the Middle East.

There’s one thing almost all civilized people can agree on – “ethnic cleansing” is bad. “Ethnic cleansing” is defined as a policy of eliminating unwanted ethnic or religious groups by deportation, forcible displacement, mass murder or by threats of such acts, with the intent of creating a territory inhabited by people of a homogeneous or pure ethnicity, religion, culture and history.

Nevertheless, even with this broad consensus opposing ethnic cleansing, there’s one place in the world nearly everyone supports ethnic cleansing.

It’s in the lands known as Judea and Samaria on the West Bank of the Jordan River under the administration of the Palestinian Authority. There – and only there – does the entire international community favor the complete elimination of all Jewish residents by deportation and forcible displacement if not by mass murder or threats of such acts.

That’s because the Palestinian Authority insists the “Palestinian state” it seeks to create be 100 percent “Judenrein,” as Hitler would say – free of Jews. And that’s OK with all those supporting the concept of creating a new state based on ethnic cleansing and bigotry that would make Himmler blush.

Did you know this is a prerequisite for a Palestinian state?

Very few do.

It is simply never discussed in the media.

It is the only place in the world where it is perfectly acceptable to insist on the eradication of residents of a particular religious or ethnic background.

This is one of the great untold stories of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In any other part of the world, this kind of racist, anti-Semitic effort at ethnically cleansing a region would be roundly condemned by all civilized people. Yet, because most people simply don’t understand the clear, official plan by the Arab leaders to force out all Jews from the new Palestinian state, those leaders retains a degree of sympathy, even political support, from much of the world.

Think about what I am saying: It is the official policy of the Palestinian Authority that all Jews must get off the land! Why is the United States supporting the creation of a new, racist, anti-Semitic hate state? Why do American taxpayers send hundreds of millions of dollars a year to the leaders of this movement? Why is the civilized world viewing this as a prescription for peace in the region? Why is this considered an acceptable idea?

Can you think of any other place in the world where that kind of official policy of racism and ethnic cleansing is tolerated – even condoned?

Why are the rules different in the Middle East? Why are the rules different for Arabs? Why are the rules different for Muslims?

Why do we accept as a fait accompli that Jews should be forced off their land in the coming state of Palestine?

Can you imagine the U.S. backing a plan to uproot forcibly people from their homes because they are Muslim or any other religion?

Of course not.

But the monsters who control the Palestinian Authority, even the so-called “moderates,” demand that all Jews leave. Jews will simply be unwelcome in this future Palestinian state. End of story. It’s a non-negotiable demand.

Isn’t that the definition of ethnic cleansing?

Why is that acceptable?

I’ve been asking this question for a decade. Thankfully, Netanyahu has made the point. It must be repeated over and over and over again until the whole world recognizes the diabolical Nazi-like plan afoot within the Palestinian Authority.
USA, EU and UN join to MAKE a Judenrein Palestinian State
John R. Houk
© January 19, 2014
'Ethnic cleansing' in 'Palestine'

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