Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Price Freedom? - Or Our New Leviathan

Patrick Henry - Give Liberty or Death 2
Here are Justin O. Smith’s thoughts on the results of Election Day 2012.

JRH 11/14/12
What Price Freedom? - Or Our New Leviathan

By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 11/13/2012 11:37 AM

A dark cloud of fascism surrounded the Beacon of Freedom on November 6th, as America's ill-informed and ignorant electorate rejected the ideas of personal responsibility and fierce independence exhibited by the early pioneer as he or she rose each morning and asked for nothing more than one more day to work towards success and gave thanks to God for seeing that morning's sun. By reelecting Obama, these neo-fascists have gladly embraced mindless open borders, the Welfare State, global warming/"green energy", appeasement and surrender as a foreign policy, and $20 trillion plus deficits. They have sold their Freedom for "free" contraceptives and an Affordable Health Care Act that inflates the cost more than if they had bought their own private insurance policies, and in the bargain they have ensured the enslavement of their children and their children's children to the Leviathan and those Statists who control it!

The job lay-offs and company cutbacks and closures (Walmart, Applebee’s, Krogers) have already begun in anticipation of the AHA becoming entrenched in U.S. law, especially since many small businesses are close to the 50 employee mark that forces them under its regulation, as it takes over an entire industry. Americans must not let their opposition to Obamacare wane, because its positive effects are few and its freedom killing regulations, such as imprisonment for anyone refusing to "buy" it, are vast and devastating both to the individual and the nation.

Obama's "mandate" is a fiction. He only won by two million votes, and he received nine million fewer this time than in 2008. The Republicans retained control of the House of Representatives with a 233-201 margin; and yet, Obama is proceeding with his theme that "the wealthy need to pay their fair share", as he prepares to raise taxes on all Americans by allowing the Bush tax rates to expire. He has suggested raising taxes on everyone making $250,000 or more and a return to the higher tax levels of the Clinton era.

Obama supporters echo his theme, even though the top 15% earners in the U.S. already pay 90% of the taxes. Steny Hoyer, the number two Democrat from Maryland, suggests that working families should not have to bear the burden of deficit reduction. Mary Kay Henry, Pres of SEIU, wrote in a letter to the 'Tennessee-Tribune': "We need a country where the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share. We need good jobs, we need to need to protect the vital services that millions of Americans rely on and we need to provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants", signed with the American Communist Party slogan "In Solidarity"!

Steny Hoyer and others who voted for Obama are not only morally bankrupt, but they are economics illiterate. They do not understand... or even want to understand... that most of America's jobs are found in small businesses. They do not understand that more taxes on the wealthy tend to place brakes on new business, business expansions and the jobs that are created, thus burdening families further once the lay-offs start; fewer regulations and taxes have historically enabled and created a stimulated and vibrant national economy.

Mary Henry must not realize that current U.S. law already provides a path to citizenship for immigrants, but of course, she really meant illegal aliens, who all the Far Left liberals think souls be given amnesty, which did not work in 1986 and will not solve the situation now; legal Hispanic immigrants, who filed their paperwork and paid the fees, don't like the fact that the illegals claim their "right" to be here, expect to go to the head of the line and essentially be rewarded for their criminal behavior. However, Heather McDonald (Manhattan Institute) uses statistics to illustrate that, by and large, Hispanics did not vote for Obama due to his immigration stance, but rather they voted for him due to their own propensity towards large centralized government.

America had the chance to elect a potentially good President, Mitt Romney, who would have made the nation energy independent, but they stuck with the Fascist, who is once again preparing to tax carbon emissions by the metric ton and is positioned to close 200-400 coal plants by 2014; just this week a
 coal plant in Utah laid off 160 workers. So, when gas prices keep rising and people can barely pay their electric bills (projected to soon increase by 30%), Americans need only to look in the damned mirror, because they created the situation by reelecting the most radical President in American history!

While Speaker of the House John Boehner has not been specific on what goals he might set for raising new federal tax dollars, his lack of spine is apparent, as he makes conciliatory noises and once again kisses their President's backside by suggesting that compromise on the debt ceiling and tax rate is possible. Boehner did, however, recently attempt to sound tough, as he stated that he
 supported continuing President Bush's tax 
rates for all income levels.
Now that the debt ceiling "crisis", automatic tax hikes and spending cuts set to occur at the end of the year have set the stage for going over the "fiscal cliff," Obama speaks of reaching across the aisle in the spirit of compromise; however, he has shown himself in his first term as an intransigent, secretive pathological LIAR...and now we're supposed to take him at his word and join him? Not just "No", but "Hell No!" No deals should be cut with Obama...Let the Democrats be the ones to shut the government down if they will!

Obama's and Harry Reid's annual $1.5 trillion deficits have done their damage, and our economy may collapse no matter what saving steps are taken. Obama could take every penny from all of our millionaires and billionaires and still not make a dent in the nation's debt. The only chance we can give America is to 1) cut government bureaucracies 2) halt deficit spending 3) limit all spending 4) keep the current tax rates; an economic and financial collapse knows no party or race, and you on the Left are damaging the nation and everyone's future!

Obama, the Divider, and his neo-fascist supporters declare that Americans do not have the right and duty to preserve the society that so many fought and bled for centuries to build; their Utopian lust for a multicultural and transnational society is certain to destroy America if they aren't stopped, because no nation can survive long if its immigrants are not integrating into the culture and learning the common language or if its borders are not secured and its laws enforced. Obama has pitted women against the Church, unions against Wall Street and local governments, the poor against the rich, homosexuals (3% of the pop.) against the Church and the military (military cadre are retiring in droves due to the military's "gay marriage" acceptance) and race against race on many issues. His Marxist call for "social justice" is a farce, and his policies make American life insecure and unsafe, as he also ignores the Constitution, loots the U.S. Treasury, downgrades our Armed Forces and consolidates power.

There are those in America who have chosen tyranny over Liberty, but we
 must resist, obstruct and sabotage Obama's and the Democrats' anti-American agendas at every turn in order to save our nation, because redistribution of the wealth is not a legitimate function of the government. The sober and resolute citizens can stop this out of control government...we can stop the liberal whores who bow at the altar of government servitude; we will not negotiate the terms of our economic and political servitude, or abandon our children to a dark and bleak future, or allow Obama to create a new order founded in ideas foreign to our culture historically and an anathema in every way. And, they do not get to dictate to us under Our U.S. Constitution, as we remain defiant in our demise, if it comes to pass. To 
quote the great Mark Levin, "We're not good losers, you better believe we're sore losers! A good loser is a loser forever." With Freedom for All and Our Beloved America's future at stake, no options exist except for resistance ... no surrender!

"We have petitioned, we have remonstrated, we have supplicated, we have prostrated ourselves at the foot of the throne, and it has all been in vain. We must fight... We must fight!" -Patrick Henry

By Justin O Smith
Edited by John R. Houk

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