Monday, May 6, 2024

An Intro to Dr. Malone’s – ‘Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

May 6, 2024


Dr. Robert Malone (self-described inventor of mRNA tech – OF INTEREST: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) is a person that evokes love, hate and a little of in between the love-hate emotion stretching across both sides of the political spectrum. Leftist-Globalists (science & Mockingbird Media) outright vilify him. A large element of the Right honor his academic-science pedigree yet there are a significant amount of Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates (I won’t go into the who, what & why) who have disagreements with Dr. Malone. Those disagreements have led to mutual civil lawsuits between people who should otherwise be allies against the Globalist agenda.


Dr. Robert Malone (Daily Wire Photo 2/1/22)


On a personal level, as far the Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates go. Rather than focus on their disagreements, I focus on their agreements. Even if hubris among these science Anti-Medical Tyranny fellows prevents openly congratulating each other’s agreements, it is there and is huge AGAINST Medical Tyrants.


AND SO, I’m going to share a Dr. Robert Malone Substack post which I encourage to read with some critical thinking discernment. Why? Because quite possibly you will not concur with all of Dr. Malone’s assessment. NEVERTHELESS, it is my opinion Dr. Malone’s assessments in the post should be eye-opening of the-how threatens an individual’s personal Liberty.


The title: Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”: Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.


The three assessments addressed in the title:


1. The Medical Industrial Complex


2. Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology


3. Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting


JRH 5/6/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

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Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”

Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.



May 4, 2024

Who is Robert Malone [Substack]


Mussolini Quote on Fascism


Today, I’m delving into three important topics, covered from a Christian conservative/free market and nationalist perspective. I will place each within a global geopolitical framework.


My goal over the past four years of the COVID crisis has been to decipher our collective experiences. This has guided me to focus on the broader, more comprehensive picture.


Throughout this past year, I have actively participated in three ‘Global Crisis Summits’ (Brussels at the EU Parliament, Romania, and Washington DC in conjunction with CPAC), among numerous others.  Just three days ago, I returned from Romania, where I had the privilege of speaking at the ‘Make Europe Great Again’ conference. These experiences have underscored the fact that our understanding of the COVID crisis is most effective when viewed within a broader global context.


Today, I will dig into three fundamental topics that have been at the forefront of what has happened over the past few years.


1)    Medical Industrial Complex

2)    Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

3)    Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting


1.     The Medical Industrial Complex


We need to start with the meaning of words.


“Medical Industrial Complex” refers to the increasingly powerful, transnational, public-private partnerships linking academia, pharma/biotech and both national government and supra-governmental organizations such as the United Nations and its Agenda 2030 treaty, the World Health Organization and its International Health Regulations, and the World Economic Foundation among others.


These types of public-private cooperative relationships have a name. That name was created by Benito Mussolini. We know this name. The name is Fascism (corporatism). That is the union of the state and corporate power. We should call it what it is.


One of the things that has happened throughout the COVID crisis and the ongoing process of globalization and harmonization is the weaponization and perversion of language.


We have to call things by their true names despite what that may imply or how the press may react to it. For example, we are not far-right. We are center-right. The truth is that our opponents have become far-left. We have allowed the press and corporate media to redefine language and demonize us as far-right, but the truth is that they are the radicals. They are the far-left. We have to refuse to allow them to capture and pervert our language. We must take it back.


Language controls thought. It controls how we structure our understanding of the world.


Pharma and biotech are major global economic engines, and the profit and power of this sector have allowed managerial leaders in this sector to become more powerful than individual nation-states through corruption, electoral interference, and economic hegemony.  The COVIDcrisis provides abundant examples to illustrate this.  Weaponized fear of a modestly pathogenic respiratory virus has enabled the sector to extract concessions and wealth from both national and supernational (EU) organizations.  At this point, there does not appear to be any organization that can hold these “public-private partnerships” accountable for their actions and misdeeds.


Pharma and biotech were once major economic engines for the US and European economies. They are no longer. Overall, these sectors are now increasingly dominated by US and EU competitors, in particular our unrestricted warfare competitor, the Chinese Communist Party, and our geopolitical frenemy, India.


To the extent that drugs and biologics are manufactured in the USA, they are made using precursor compounds that are also manufactured by CCP and Indian-controlled companies. If the USA and NATO find themselves in a major “hot” conflict with these offshore competitors, we will find ourselves without access to essential medicines within weeks due to supply chain restrictions.


Much of the current drug supply is manufactured offshore in facilities that are essentially self-monitored, as the FDA has chosen to rely on local inspection and monitoring. The FDA assumes that these quality control processes are being performed according to US regulatory standards.  To the extent that independent monitoring of imported drug and biological products has been performed, the data indicate that FDA “trust” in this offshore quality control monitoring is misplaced.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 1


Exhibit 1: The FDA conducted no inspections in China or India between April 2020 and March 2021.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 2


Exhibit 2 shows that FDA inspector days for the Chinese region were less than ten days per year.


Chinese pharmaceutical imports in 2022 were around $196 billion, the second-largest U.S. goods import, just behind the automotive industry.


The US Federal response to this threat has not been to create policies favoring repatriation of these industries to the US and its allies, but rather to fund a Virginia facility to stockpile precursor compounds.  But Congress has not followed through on even this modest program, and although the facility has been obtained, the purchase of the stockpile has not been funded.


Meanwhile, the integrity, transparency, consistency and reliability of the FDA has been compromised.  A massive wave of retirements and resignations has resulted in the agency being transformed from within, due to loss of both expertise and the rise of a politicized culture largely staffed by non-US trained personnel. Today’s FDA is one in which regulatory decisions have become unpredictable, arbitrary, and capricious, as well as decoupled from previously accepted international norms. The revolving door between FDA retirees and big pharma gets ever larger.


The corruption of the FDA is now recognized worldwide, and this has eliminated a key US competitive advantage.  Previously the FDA was seen as the global “gold standard” neutral guarantor of biopharmaceutical product purity and quality.  Now the FDA acts to choose winners and losers in the global competition to innovate in order to address unmet human health needs (and to generate profit and industrial growth by doing so).


The loss of FDA integrity has destroyed the logic that purchasing and importing US biopharmaceutical products merits higher costs to ensure higher quality. Politicized governmental actions have economic consequences.


2.     Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology


Social media developed by the US intelligence and enhanced by the UK intellectual community has been developed as a weapon. Make no mistake about it, social media as we know it; Facebook, Twitter- as it was formerly embodied, all of these social media tools are weapons. They are psychological warfare weapons. They were designed as weapons.


They were designed and deployed in Arab Spring as political psywar weapons in order to facilitate regime change. This strategy is considered a huge success by US intelligence. Then the shock came when Nigel Farage and his UK Independence Party used social media to achieve Brexit. This was done in large part via decentralized social media communication, and that shock was further enhanced when Mr. Trump became President Trump.  Suddenly, the United States intelligence community, the State Department, and all the infrastructure that they control and use to exert control all over the world woke up and recognized that they had a problem. And that problem now extends to the populist movement here and across the world, a populism which we represent as center-right conservatives.


That challenge now represents an existential threat to NATO itself, because if Europe wakes up to the techno-totalitarianism that is being imposed from the central bureaucracy in Brussels (that is, the European Union), and it begins to exert the value of the independent nation-state, there is a perceived risk by the US State Department and intelligence community that the European Union, that structure that has been created to hold a Europe together will dissolve. It will fragment, and if that fragments, NATO will fragment, and if NATO fragments, then the United States Foreign Policy Establishment believes that they will find themselves at significant military and geopolitical disadvantage in an increasingly multilateral world.


This is resulting in a response from the US Intelligence Community and State Department, in which they feel justified to employ virtually any non-kinetic method in order to enforce and maintain the current status quo. Recognize that this is the case. To be clear, I'm not advocating for the dissolution of the European Union or the dissolution of NATO. I am reporting to you that this is the perception of the American and the five Eyes intelligence community, and they will do anything to avoid this consequence. They feel justified by the utilitarian logic that “anything goes, the ends justify means”, in order to defend the current world order and the plans for the future that they have developed.


As a consequence, psychological warfare technology is being widely deployed by “democratic” governments. This is technology that was developed for offshore combat. NATO considers this to be a central tenet of its current warfare planning. NATO calls psychological warfare technology a key aspect of modern hybrid warfare. This advanced technology is being deployed by governments and globalists on common citizens now because of the existential threat to the dissolution of the European Union, the perceived existential threat to NATO, and the need to maintain consensus by controlling all information in an increasingly multilateral world. This is being accomplished through propaganda techniques (such as the IC denial that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real in 2019), neuro-linguistic programming, and nudging, as well as censorship and the manipulation of internet algorithms of search engines.


In other words, in response to the threat of China, Russia, the rise of the Middle East, the fall of the petro-dollar, there is a widely accepted belief among the western “democracies” that it is necessary and acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens.


I argue this is fundamentally unethical. Psychological warfare technology, as it is currently being deployed and has been developed, can completely control all aspects of information that you receive, what you think, what you feel, and what you hear.


In a world in which governments feel it is acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens, the concept of individual and national sovereignty becomes completely obsolete. We can argue about whether or not “in-person voting” or “remote ballots” or “long periods for voting” is enabling for voter fraud. But all of this is completely irrelevant in the face of modern psychological warfare.  When this psywar technology is deployed on citizens by their government, when everything that they hear, feel, think, believe, is controlled through this tech, through social media, through established media, through all messaging- then the nuance of voting is completely irrelevant.


Again, this is unethical and a breach of human rights. Humans have the right to access information in a democracy, which is fundamental to the social contract. How can we have a social contract when the citizens of nation-states are not allowed the information to make informed decisions? That's where we're at right now, and it's justified because of the fear of this existential crisis.


This is evil as far as I'm concerned. This is a major breach of human ethics. We're disrespecting the ability of individuals to act as sovereign beings.


Most importantly, the deployment of propaganda and censorship blocks innovation and adaptation to change. Cultures cannot adapt; they cannot innovate if they don't have access to full, diverse, accurate information. This is the most important thing of all. We will become stagnant. Do we have examples of this type of stagnation? What happens when information is completely controlled? The former Soviet Union knows the answer. Those who lived under Ceausescu in Romania know the answer. Those who lived under Salazar in Portugal know the answer.


3.     Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting


There are many lessons that we can learn from the COVID crisis, but one of the key ones has to do with “what is globalism”. We toss this term around, we never seem to define it. It's as if it's amorphous beast. We can't put our hands around it.


Globalism is central planning.


Centrally Planned Economy – Investopedia


We have seen the effects of central planning during the COVID crisis.  The former residents of the Soviet Union understand central planning. We understand the harm that comes from central planning, from bureaucrats determining our future, making decisions about how a nation state, an economy of people, should adapt to changing conditions.  During COVID we have seen how easily centralized planning can be corrupted and perverted to support a wide variety of hidden agendas.


Central planning is also associated with cultural homogenization, the drive to create one culture, which is basically driven in the current case by intentional destruction of diversity to reduce economic friction.


This globalization thrust is basically justified by large economic forces in order to support the agenda of transnational, globalist organizations, particularly corporations in their cooperative relationships with large transnational governmental organizations.  Recently, Blackrock CEO Larry Fink spoke the quiet part out loud, when he discussed the need to reduce the global human population and substitute robotic workers to produce goods and services.  This is all perversely driven by a model for future society collectively referred to as transhumanism.


This is anti-human.  This is a death cult, aligned with a wide range of promoted anti-human policies including abortion, destruction of religion and family values, and of course the abomination of gender reassignment surgery and transgenderism.


These policies are being actively and globally promoted using censorship, propaganda, and modern psywar methods.


We must have access to unrestricted information, which means free speech and freedom of thought. Now, that comes at a price—a price of personal responsibility, a price that people will be potentially exposed to information that may be damaging or offensive. But if we refuse to allow them to have access to information and diversity of thought, we will prevent our ability as nation-states and cultures to adapt to changing conditions.


And if there's one thing that we absolutely must have right now, it's the ability to innovate and adapt. That's how we escape the Malthusian trap. All this fear of global warming and population growth; that's what this is all about. And the counter argument to the Malthusian argument is that humans adapt. Humans can change, humans can innovate. But they can't innovate if all information is controlled.


States and cultures which resist propaganda, censorship, and weaponized fear have a competitive advantage. In a multilateral world, Romania should not apologize for advocating for autonomy. Independent European nation-states should not apologize for going their own way and innovating. They must do so. They must do so because it will give them a competitive advantage.


I argue that independent nation-states are the laboratory for innovation, cultural innovation, political innovation, and economic innovation. They must be allowed sovereignty and autonomy. If they don't, the world's ability to adapt to change will be stifled.


The best way to allow the world to adapt to change is by respecting the principle of subsidiarity. This is the concept that decision-making authority should be delegated to the smallest, most local competent level.  The principle of subsidiarity demands decentralization. The ultimate component of a decentralized adaptive world is not the nation-state, it is the family. We need to celebrate the family as the core of the principle and thrust of the concept of subsidiarity.


The weaponization of fear via propaganda to control people is unethical. We have seen repeated justification by academics and bureaucrats and governments and transnational organizations - that the weaponization of fear is acceptable in the service of the overall public good as they define it. We have seen this in the case of the COVID crisis in the service of public health. The weaponization of fear by governments to control people is unethical, and it should not be allowed under any circumstances. It should not be tolerated. We must call it out when we see it.


Last point: We have a difficult fight ahead of us. This difficult fight is not going to be resolved with one election, the election of one politician, or a change in leadership at the European Council or the President of the United States. These issues have been developing for decades, in many cases for at least a century, and they are not going to be resolved in the short term.


We have a long-term fight in front of us, which will require years of effort in fighting this fight.


Do not self-victimize, and don't complain. Again and again, I hear this cry of


§  poor me”.


§  “It's such a hard job we face”.


§  “There's so many obstacles”.


§  “Our opponents are so entrenched, they're so powerful”.


§  “They have so many forces”.


§  “They control the media”.


§  “They are so mean”.


§  “They are so unethical”.


Stop whining. We have a fight. We have to fight that fight, and it does no good to complain.


It's a wonderful thing. What a wonderful thing to have a worthy opponent.


It is the greatest gift in the world, and by God, we have a worthy opponent. We must not complain. We must not shirk. We must confront the evil that is ahead of us, and it is not going to be easy.


Fight for your future and that of your children. Celebrate this opportunity to fight for your future. What a gift to have an opportunity at this point in time to make a difference. Celebrate it.


Refuse to be a victim. Choose life, not death. Do not apologize, and fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.


Thank you for reading Who is Robert Malone. This post is public so feel free to share it.


© 2024 Robert W Malone, MD


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Saturday, May 4, 2024

DO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt. ONE

Beginning with Why I’m Voting Trump

By John R. Houk

© May 4, 2024


Election 2024 is coming in November. To be clear! I’m voting for Trump, even if Dem-Marxist corrupt Lawfare sends the actually 2020 elected President to jail (can you say, A CORRUPT JUDICIARY?). I’m voting for Trump even though his support for the mRNA Jab (as far as I’ve heard so far) is a positive. Past Jabs called vaccines that have done far less harm than the documented mRNA Jab were pulled from almost immediately.




Because the Dem-Marxist hate and fear of Trump is so visceral, they are pulling every corrupt Lawfare and Election interference tactic they can think to throw against the wall of evil to see if it will stick. There is something about Trump the Dem-Marxists and ONE-World Globalists fear about Trump. AND at least Trump is against ALL Medical Tyranny Mandates. He believes in the Liberty of Americans to make their own informed choices.


AND SO, I have a huge batch of ANTI-Medical Tyranny videos I’m sharing as a refresher for reasons to DUMP Dem-Marxists on Election Day OR at the very least expose before your very eyes another Election Coup to retain despotic power and control over WE-THE-PEOPLE. I begin with a Pro-Trump video explaining the Dem-Marxist Lawfare then the rest of the video will be a Medical Tyranny refresher.


JRH 5/4/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Our Senior Citizen Family Supplements income by selling healthy coffee products. If you are not a donate-kind-of-individual, buy some healthy, feel-good & taste-great COFFEE:


Rumble VIDEO: Mike Davis Warns Democrats Orchestrating Lawfare

Posted by Bannons War Room

Published April 26, 2024


[Blog Editor: I found this video via a We The People Convention post on 4/26/24 under the title, “This is WHY You and I MUST give All We've Got to Win this Year!” The video opens with Mockingbird Media outlets trashing SCOTUS for indicating the Majority will give President at least partial immunity. Then the video proceeds how a Trump will prosecute Lawfare Dems for political persecution. The WTPC post has the link to the 300-page PDF report from the House Judiciary Committee referred to in the video: “Click Here to Read or Download the 300 Page Report: An Anatomy of Political Prosecution.pdf”]


“There Are Going To Be The Most Severe Legal, Political, And Financial Consequences Come January 20th, 2025”

Aired On: 4/26/2024


Rumble VIDEO [H/T: Telegram World Council for Health]: WHO's Global Power Grab - PART 1 (+1 hour)

Posted by ChildrensHealthDefenseAfrica

Published April 28, 2024


WHO's #GlobalPowerGrab is a must watch two-part film featuring over 100 health freedom advocates and politicians speaking out about the WHO-facilitated corporate power grab. This powerful public interest film was created, compiled and launched in South Africa in 2024, ahead of WHO's World Health Assembly 77 in May.

This informative and empowering film - which includes excerpts from news, interviews and conferences - highlights:

- What is the WHO? Who funds it, where are the hidden conflicts of interests?

- Who is its director-general Tedros? How did he come to power, despite his controversial history and protests?
- Understanding the WHO's Power Grab through constantly changing but legally binding IHR 2005 amendments + a proposed new pandemic treaty
- How does this power grab connect to the New World Order and the agenda to erode democracy through global governance?
- How are a growing number of politicians responding internationally? Is this an elections, voting and boycott issue?
- What about the role of mainstream media and factcheckers in censorship, misinformation and disinformation?
- How can We The People resist this global corporate coup? What actions can we take nationally and internationally?

Review 1, Age 18: "If I didn't know anything about the WHO-lead power grab, this film would bring me up to speed quickly and help me realise why we must resist in every country, and exit the WHO in 2024."


Review 2, age 67: "WHO's demand for unfettered power (behind secret doors) through organized tyranny must be challenged. It will override every country's health laws and systems through a one world order which will become legally binding, eroding every human being's personal freedom through oppression, mass surveillance, enslavement, and totalitarianism. If not challenged, this will be the order of the day and a dystopian future awaits all of us. Fascism comes to mind, which is rooted in the unfettered demand to be subjugated by corporations. A most frightening thought, unless we stand up collectively to rally against it. Wake up!"


WHO's Global Power Grab (Part 1 and 2) features visuals of or content from:


A. The following films:





X/Twitter VIDEO (H/T Telegram Sergeant News Network): Tucker-Naomi Wolf Interview – Ostracized by Left for Fighting Medical Tyranny

Posted by Tucker Carlson

Posted on April 11, 2024


Naomi Wolf was one of the most famous liberal intellectuals in America. Then she questioned lockdowns and the Covid vax. It’s pretty amazing what happened next.


Rumble VIDEO: Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Posted by Reese Report

Published April 18, 2024


Blog Editor: The Rumble Description only has three links: Reese Substack Page, his Banned.Video Channel & a donation link. I am cross posting the Reese Substack page associated to this video which is essentially a transcript.


Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Humans being turned into batteries to fuel digital A.I. prison.



APR 18, 2024

The Reese Report


The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed. And some were far more deadly than others.


According to the Moderna patent, this technology contains self-assembled nanoparticles. And in certain variations these nanoparticles can be used for the controlled release of compounds once they are in the human body. These lipid nanoparticles are encapsulated into a polymer hydrogel, a controlled release coating that includes polyvinyls. This has been verified by Ana Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom’s research.

In a 2013 TEDMED talk, Dr. Ido Bachelet says that these nano robots have already been successfully developed in Israel. And that they can be injected into the body with a basic syringe. He shows an image of what they look like, and they appear to be the same structures that the Fifth Column found in their research and claimed was powered by 5G, which was confirmed by Dr. Bachelet.

“My team developed nano-robots that carry antenna. These antenna are made from metal nanoparticles. Now the antenna enable the nanobots to respond to externally applied electromagnetic fields. So these version of nanobots can actually be activated with a press of a button on a joystick.” ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet

In the following video it is being discussed by developers in 2015.

The nano-robot we designed and fabricated is a machine that can be programmed to autonomously recognize target cells and deliver payloads to those cells. ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet So the basic idea is to make a cage or a basket that protects a fragile, or toxic, or precious payload, and only releases it when it's at the right moment. ~ George Church The nano-robot that we designed actually looks like an open ended barrel or a clam-shell that has two halves. So the two halves of this open ended barrel or clam-shell are linked together by flexible DNA hinges, and the entire structure is held shut by latches or locks that are actually DNA double helixes. The way it works is that, in the absence of the key, which is a molecule or protein, the duplexes are held sufficiently strong to maintain the entire structure closed. But when the key is present, that piece of DNA that we designed to recognize that key, switches to bind to that key and the duplex zips open. ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet

The work of Todd Callender’s team at have concluded that these shots contain a variety of synthetic pathogens that can be released with external 5G frequencies. The Moderna patent describes these nanoparticle mimics, which mimic the delivery of a variety of pathogens and lists over a hundred of them within the patent.

And according to the work at vaxxchoice, these synthetic pathogens each have an IP address, they are cataloged by the Department of Energy, and they use Caesium-137, which we have been contaminated with from the environment, as a building block for their construction within our bodies using external frequency. And their research shows that the Microsoft patent filed in 2020, 060606 cryptocurrency system using body activity data, is now in effect and that this technology is turning the human body into an antenna which can output energy. Meaning that humans are being turned into batteries to fuel the digital A.I. prison that is being built around us. And if you choose not to comply, the technology includes a kill switch.

Thanks to many independent researchers and scientists, we are figuring out their agenda. But they continue to walk freely among us, unrestrained by any justice whatsoever.



Bitchute VIDEO: VNN-Elijah Schaffer Reports on mRNA Suppresses Immune Response & Stimulates Cancer

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:11 UTC


I found this clip at Telegram The Vigilant Fox ( posted on 4/18/24 ( The title is derived from the video content.


The Vigilant Fox Description:


“Bad News for the COVID Vaccinated


Countless warnings about the COVID shots have been labeled “conspiracy theories” only to be later confirmed.


The latest example comes from a comprehensive review by an international consortium of scientists who raised concerns that a specific vaccine ingredient, N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ), may play a role in immune suppression and cancer proliferation.


The review stresses that incorporating N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in mRNA vaccines significantly compromises critical immune responses, severely hindering the body’s initial interferon signaling.


Interferon is vital for the immune system’s ability to fend off infections and combat diseases like cancer.


The researchers wrote:


“Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ (N1-methyl-pseudouridine) modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.”


Given the extensive “immune suppression” observed, it’s not a stretch to say the COVID shots are largely responsible for the alarming rise in cancer cases among young people.


However, corporate media outlets like The Wall Street Journal continue to run cover for Big Pharma.


One of their recent headlines reads: “Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled.”


Watch the video for more disturbing details on what other mechanisms could be causing cancer. Dr. Peter McCullough breaks it down.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. McCullough Schools Leftist on ACTUAL mRNA Detrimental Data

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:23 UTC


Telegram user Sir Robert Miles KT forwarded to the Telegram Channel The American Patriot Movement (I didn’t realize until now no Channel link so it’s either private or Ask-To-Join) posted on 4/18/24 forwarded from Telegram The Vigilant Fox (


The American Patriot Movement Description:


“Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots


BRIAN SHAPIRO: “You are... far less likely to get the effects of having to go into the ICU or possibly dying if you were vaccinated. Am I wrong?”


DR. MCCULLOUGH: “Yeah, you’re wrong. And here’s the reason why.”


• “The prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.”


• “They never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.”


• “In a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.” This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.


• “In countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.”


• “With every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.”


• “Our safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out... 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.”


• 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesn’t account for the underreporting factor of 30. “We’re looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.”


Dr. McCullough ended with this statement:


“There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market. They’re so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”


Watch the full clip [X/Twitter Chief Nerd]:


Give Dr. McCullough a follow on Telegram:



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. Pierre Kory – NEVER Take Another mRNA Jab & Remedy for Jab Injury

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:44 UTC


I found this clip at Telegram Wide Awake Media ( posted on 4/19/24 ( Dr. Kory is part of the Anti-Medical Tyranny website of doctors working against Globalist control medical narrative (FLCCC Alliance - Toward the end of this very short clip you hear Dr. Kory share the FLCCC has a remedy protocol for the mRNA injured. HERE is that website info: FLCCC PDF entitled, “I-PREVENT: Vaccine Injury Protocol: An Approach to Post-Vaccine Cardiovascular and Cancer Care” -


Wide Awake Media Description:


‘Dr. Pierre Kory issues an urgent warning to anybody who took the mRNA Covid "vaccines":


"Do not get vaccinated, ever again, with an mRNA vaccine. Do not let family members get vaccinated... The farther you are out from your last one, I think your prognosis is much, much better."’

Thursday, May 2, 2024

American Intel Spies & Withholds Info from Trump!


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 2, 2024


Americans who still support The Democratic Party (which should be re-labeled Dem-Marxist Party) are supporting spying on Americans and intruding in American politics to the point of government coups. Essentially, Dem-Marxists are restructuring American society to eject the last remnants of the U.S. Constitution and restructure America to make the USA amenable to the ONE-World Government Globalist-Elitists seek to manage the world’s population into the powerful FEW AS OVERLORDS of a new slave-class duped masses.


RESIST IT! Stay true to the American Founders design for Independent Thinking and American Liberty.


My train of thought might be disputed gullible Americans still under the spell of Dem-Marxist/Climate-Hysterics/Globalist Deception. HOPEFULLY facts dredged up by the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) undercover work and The Gateway Pundit (TGP) reporting awakens the gullible Americans.


Below I’m cross posting OMG X/Twitter post from May 1 (yup, the video portion includes pay-the-bills ads) and following that with the May 1 TGP post of Rep Gaetz demanding official answers (where TGP embeds the OMG X/Twitter post, I’ll replace with a tiny url link because I’m posting OMG in entirety preceding the TPG post).


JRH 5/2/24


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James O’Keefe – Breaking – EXPOSING THE CIA

[Spying On & Deceiving President Trump]



By James O’Keefe

May 1, 2024

James O'Keefe X/Twitter (


BREAKING – EXPOSING THE CIA: “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…” A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the @CIA and an @NSAGov contractor with top-secret clearance working for @Deloitte, Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel....And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details...He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fucking Russians.” @mikepompeo


Amjad reveals to OMG’s Undercover American Swiper that intel agencies not only kept intelligence information from a sitting United States President and Commander-In-Chief, they also used FISA to spy on @realDonaldTrump and his team and are still monitoring President Trump according to Amjad who says, “We monitor everything.” Amjad adds “we also have people that monitor his ex-wife. He likes to use burner phones” – information only an insider with access to highly sensitive information would state.


“We steal it [information]” and “We hack other countries just like that,” Amjad, who states he currently works on the CIA’s China Mission Center, explains how intel agencies obtain information. He also describes a broken intelligence system where “We don’t share information across agencies” because the CIA is “very reluctant” to share information with the “careless” NSA.


O’Keefe Media Group’s bombshell undercover footage supports earlier reports by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that revealed how the American intelligence community illegally ran a spy operation against then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and illegally acquired intelligence that was later used to justify the Federal Bureau of Investigation (@FBI) official probe, “Crossfire Hurricane,” which in turn led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ultimately did not find evidence of Russia collusion by the 2016 Trump campaign. @shellenberger @mtaibbi @galexybrane


Contractors like Fseisi hold the duty to withhold sharing confidential or national security information. In denying his statements, Fseisi may have realized he could be held liable for violating internal agency provisions and federal laws like the Executive Agency ethics provisions, which restrict what he may share with others outside of his contracted-to agency. Additionally, any government worker or agency head who withheld information from a superior (i.e. President Trump) may violate: (a) obstruction of justice by deception (18 USC 1512); (b) conspiracy to obstruct (18 USC 371); and false statements (18 USC 1001). Agency regulations may also provide offenses related to insubordination, reflecting poorly on the agency in public, or misrepresentation or dishonesty.


When James O’Keefe caught up with Amjad Fseisi on the streets of Washington, D.C., Fseisi could not tell O’Keefe whether he had top secret clearance, denied making statements clearly caught on camera, and would not even confirm it was him on the video saying only “It looks like me.” When asked directly if he works at the CIA, Fseisi said, “I can’t tell you that.”


X/Twitter VIDEO: James O’Keefe – Breaking – EXPOSING THE CIA

[Blog Editor: OMG further information in comment section of above X/Tweet:]


BREAKING: Rep Matt Gaetz Calls For Investigation Into BOMBSHELL O’Keefe Video Showing (Now Fired) Alleged CIA Contractor Saying Intel Agencies Coordinated to HIDE Information From Trump While He Was a Sitting President! [VIDEO]

TGP Photo of OMG Undercover Video Catching CIA Spying on Trump


By Patty McMurray

May. 1, 2024 9:00 pm

The Gateway Pundit


The Gateway Pundit’s Christina Laila was first to report on the most recent James O’Keefe bombshell video that exposed a CIA contractor admitting that the intelligence agencies were working together to keep top-secret information hidden from President Trump while he was the sitting President!


According to O’Keefe, Amjad Fseisi, a program manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA and an NSAGov contractor with top-secret clearance working for Deloitte was caught in an undercover video implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details…He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fucking Russians.” @mikepompeo


“So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…”


Amjad reveals to OMG’s Undercover American Swiper that intel agencies not only kept intelligence information from a sitting United States President and Commander-In-Chief, they also used FISA to spy on realDonaldTrump and his team and are still monitoring President Trump according to Amjad who says, “We monitor everything.” Amjad adds, “We also have people that monitor his ex-wife. He likes to use burner phones” – information only an insider with access to highly sensitive information would state.


“We steal it [information]” and “We hack other countries just like that,” Amjad, who states he currently works on the CIA’s China Mission Center, explains how intel agencies obtain information. He also describes a broken intelligence system where “We don’t share information across agencies” because the CIA is “very reluctant” to share information with the “careless” NSA.


Watch the portion of the video that references the conversation above:


The TGP X/Twitter Link:


O’Keefe Media Group’s bombshell undercover footage supports earlier reports by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that revealed how the American intelligence community illegally ran a spy operation against then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and illegally acquired intelligence that was later used to justify the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) official probe, “Crossfire Hurricane,” which in turn led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ultimately did not find evidence of Russia collusion by the 2016 Trump campaign.


Conservative Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) isn’t wasting any time getting to the bottom of this very serious and disturbing story. Rep. Gaetz has already formally called on the Weaponization Subcommittee to IMMEDIATELY launch an investigation into the BOMBSHELL report by James O’Keefe’s OMG Media Group.


In a tweet, Gaetz shared a copy of the letter he sent to the Chair of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Rep. Jim Jordan. In his tweet about his formal request for an immediate investigation, Gaetz said that the undercover video that was released only hours ago, “contains video evidence that American intelligence agencies withheld intelligence from President Donald Trump before & during his presidency and used Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorities to spy on President Trump.”


Letter-to-Jim-Jordan-from-Matt-Gaetz (TGP Photo)


According to O’Keefe the official seen the video has been terminated per a CIA statement:


CIA COMMENT: The official appears to have been terminated as a result of our reporting today. When the CIA was asked for comment, O’Keefe Media received an exclusive statement on the record from a CIA spokesperson today:


“These claims about CIA are absolutely false and ridiculous. CIA is a resolutely apolitical institution that provides intelligence support to policymakers including the President of the United States, irrespective of who occupies the office. We are a foreign intelligence focused Agency and do not monitor the former President. The individual making these allegations is a former contractor who does not represent CIA.”


In the video which was taken last week, the CIA official waves his intelligence community green badge. Green Badges are specifically hired for those contracted by the agency. Kash Patel, former Deputy Director of National Intelligence, said “An individual possessing a contractor Green badge is only allowed to lawfully possess it while official employed as a contractor to the intelligence community. Upon any termination, credentials are returned to the home agency and destroyed immediately.”


TGP X/Twitter Link:


Watch James O’Keefe’s live discussion about his findings here:


Screengrab of Youtube Informing Removed Video (on TGP) [Blog Editor—Smells like Youtube Mockingbird Media Censorship to me]: 

James O’Keefe is an American hero. Go HERE to donate to OMG Media to help O’Keefe with critically important projects like these.


You can email Patty McMurray here, and read more of Patty McMurray's articles here.


© 2024 The Gateway Pundit

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

An Intro to THE EXPOSÉ Look at Occult Influence on Elitists

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

May 1, 2024

THE EXPOSÉ has delved into a Substack post by Elizabeth Nickson originally posted as “They Break Every Family, Every Country: The Cabal eating our lunch. Literally.THE EXPOSÉ gives a short paragraph intro and offering a different title: “Who is the head of the snake behind the Great Reset, Covid and Global Warming hoaxes?


I am unsure if THE EXPOSÉ had this in mind, but my take on the “snake” for signifies that old Serpent known as Satan. Nickson (a Canadian) examines Satan’s Occultic influence on the world’s Globalist Agenda. Nickson claims to draw from personal experience while she looks at American Elitists, British Elitists and a dabbling of other Globalist Elitists influenced by the Occult.


I have not read her book that claims documentation. Which means I cannot vouch for everything Nickson stipulates, but I have enough past source-reading to be aware there is at least there is an element truth in this post. And that is what fascinates me.


In the middle of the post is a Youtube video of Roman Catholic Fr. Chad Ripperger delivering a sermon (more like a class lecture) demonic oppression and possession entitled, “Levels of Spiritual Warfare & Our Lady” posted on 1/25/24 (1:18:55-hour). Being a Charismatic/Word of Faith (gasp! I can sense the heretic accusation as I type) Protestant, I’m not really on board with the Roman Catholic view of confronting the demonic occult. Nevertheless, the occult is an evil every Christian should concur to cast out even if the methodology to do so differs.


AND SO, THE EXPOSÉ version below…


JRH 5/1/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Who is the head of the snake behind the Great Reset, Covid and Global Warming hoaxes?

Who is head of snake - THE EXPOSÉ photo



By Elizabeth Nickson

APRIL 29, 2024



Reporter and author Elizabeth Nickson delves into the groups and aims of those behind the agenda being implemented in the West.  Having grown up in a privileged home in Canada, she is able to give some personal insight into how these people think.


They Break Every Family, Every Country

By Elizabeth Nickson


Last Sunday’s ‘Demonic Flooding of America’ was so popular, this is its companion piece, a fleshed-out examination of the Head of the Snake; the cabal that is behind the Great Reset, the Covid and Global Warming hoaxes, and every profit-bonanza-war of the last thirty, if not 500 years, but especially Ukraine.


They call themselves by a proliferation of names: the Olympians, the Elect, Bilderbergers, the 300, demi-gods, the Black Nobility, other silly secret names that must not be spoken. They are secret because their intent is evil. They practice the occult – foolish and irresponsible – they are “Masons” of the crazy branch, a cult that operates entirely in the dark and entirely for themselves. They are as power-hungry as Hillary Clinton and far more corrupt than she or Biden or his dreadful son. They have been around for a thousand years, laughably tracing their bloodlines back to Sumer and the Pharaohs and they think that is important. In fact, who they are is Hunter Biden; he is their id, the visual manifestation of their disgusting decadence and sexual compulsion. Hunter, to my mind, was brought into their cult and went mad with the drugs, the blood-drinking, the killing and the sexual sacrifices, the intimacy rites that fuel their power.


I wish I was kidding. I wish like hell this wasn’t true.


What I am attempting is to skirt the depths of paranoia by using real-world data, and actual documents, as well as planning that is in the public domain and established fact. I am using personal experience in order to real-world it. So many writers in this area tip over into the unprovable, and of course, this is deliberate, yet another foul psyop run on the defenceless and innocent.


(Perhaps) 'neighborhood in Canada, Westmount' – THE EXPOSÉ photo


I grew up in the richest neighbourhood in Canada, Westmount, and in the old money summer place of Canada, or one of them. We were part of them and not. My parents’ heritage was American, originally, which was a count against us. Both ancestors arrived in Connecticut in the 1630s when there were a mere handful of settlers in the River Colony and 375 years later, they somehow found each other.


This is how rich the neighbourhood was: My second-favourite boarding school roommate’s family house was a castle numbering 50,000 square feet.


This is how close we were to MKUltra and Allan Dulles: That house, Ravenscrag, was given to Allan Dulles and psychiatrist Ewan Cameron, after the family’s four sons died in the second war.  That house was where my mother was used as an experimental subject in MKUltra.

(Perhaps) 'That house, Ravenscrag' - THE EXPOSÉ photo


My favourite boarding school roommate’s husband’s father ran the McConnell Foundation as his charity. The McConnells, who owned the Montreal Star among other things, invited the Rockefellers, the CIA and MKUltra to town, contributing to the project of running the first mind control experiments on non-consenting human subjects, including their own wives. This too is established fact, well documented.


Here’s the question everyone asks. How did they get so cruel? How can these men and women, their heirs, bent on forcing the Great Reset, imprisoning everyone in 15-minute cities, chipped, monitored, and fed chemical stew, justify themselves?  How did the top run of health professionals see covid for what it was, as they had to, and yet go along with the vaccines, knowing, as we now know they knew, how dangerous, how lethal they are? It is impossible to view Edward Dowd’s latest disability figures, look at his projections of illness and death down the line and not think this was a deliberate cull.  Another example of their barbarity, their murderous intent.


I’ll tell you how. They have contempt for nearly everyone. They are so rich and so privileged, and in the case of the people I grew up among, long-held privilege, that they see humans outside their circle as herd animals to be manipulated. I know that because that is how they speak deep inside their world and for six sentient years and eleven years of childhood, I was there in this extremely social world, a string of parties reaching to the horizon every year, listening to every word, divining every thought. The kids mirrored their parents. No outsider can get into that world, so they were safe expressing their contempt for lesser humans. There were so many rules to follow that people were judged on the tiniest of movements, attitudes, the way you walked, ate, spoke. The necessary exquisite manners acted like a fence. It took a good decade to learn the right table manners, which had to be so automatic you could only learn it in early childhood. They could spot outsiders within ten seconds and instantly exclude them. Among themselves, they spoke freely. Why was it so secret? Because breeding was a principal subject of casual conversation. Bloodlines. And the art of keeping that wealth and privilege. And hate. Contempt.


By the time I left, I loathed their vicious, adamantine selves more than I can say, and if we, my family, were a part of it, I foreswore them. I rejected everything.


After my first book was published, my father gave me my great-great-grandmother’s memoir fragment. I was so traumatised by what had happened to my parents, that I fell into it like a warm bath. I think I met her, Charlotte Phelps St John, when she was ancient and I was four. It took place in my grandmother’s apartment building, one of those vast echoing stone buildings where we used to warehouse the prosperous elderly. She, my great-grandmother, and my great-aunt were in town visiting and they wanted a look at me, the first girl born in the family for two generations.


Everything you have been told about the founding of America is a lie. Especially the role of women. These four women were so powerful, so profoundly, deeply rooted in themselves and their own proven virtue, I’ve not met a modern human male or female that comes close to their banked power.  For 350 years, they and thousands of families like them, ordinary, not “bloodline,” had been building towns, churches, schools, and infrastructure across the continent. In their towns, they knew when someone was in need, and they were there, face to face, helping, through their churches, their clubs and societies. Intimate. Not performative bullsh*t charity. Right up against it, solving actual problems, helping real people, not fending them off onto “government.”  My great-great-grandmother’s parents and grandparents had been Officers on the Underground Railroad, and their entire family was a fountain of charity. You were judged as an adult on that contribution, not on the money you made. My great-grandmother had started the Vancouver General Hospital, a multi-billion dollar enterprise today, in a tent with her friends from church. All of them were cornerstones of the culture, fully responsible adults.  Her grandson, my great-uncle and his wife were the same. If they were alive, there would be no way in hell that Vancouver would be a sickening hub of child sex trafficking, money laundering, and drugs. We have lost all of that. All of it.




It was taken from us. That strength had to be broken, and the Fabians, the Huxleys and H.G. Wells, to use names that you’d recognise, invented the system of thought that propels the war on us. The thinking started pre-WW1 and flourished, bloomed and metastasised after WW2, when the optimism, creativity and power of the US flew its flag high. They, the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergs, Kissinger, the Black Nobility of Venice, the Bank of International Settlements, the owners of the New York Fed, ancient European families who hold American debt, and a hundred others, determined to break US industrial society, to reduce it to its former peasantry, to immiserate its population in order to control it. If America had grown from the 50s, it would have broken their power and their wealth.


And most of all, they hated America’s optimism, its “can-do” attitude, its brazen confidence that did not bow to any man.


They devised three main thrusts. The first was to break the cities by making them a stew of disparate groups and races all in competition for scarce resources, which they would draw down over time. They would inflame differences, make us fight each other. The second was to create a series of cultural shocks (think covid, think assassinations) that would infantilise us, make us comfort-seeking and weak. And the third was to destroy culture, women and youth. The mindless violence, serial killers, teenage suicides was created, drugs, rock, faux rebellion – all manufactured.


When I fell into my family history, I ended up in the museums and historical societies in the small towns near where they lived. Because they were prominent, everything was collected, portraits and letters and journals and diaries, and newspaper clippings, possessions and clothes. Photographs taken in the 1840s some of the first, eerie and fascinating. Boxes and boxes buried in basements. My great-great-great uncle had, in the 1880’s, written a 3,000-page book on their history, collecting even more wills, diaries, letters and so on. I looked at ten thousand documents, more. This is called primary research and it is irrefutable. Again, let me stress: they were successful, yes, but not special. There were tens of thousands of families like them, hundreds. They are our ancestors, our household gods, not the skeeze-fest of billionaires and Hollywood. They were good. Their towns were peaceful, families stable and children had hope. What is running us now, is not good. In fact, it is anti-human, it is the most vile of evils. It is a lizard, flicking its tongue, pitiless.

Book Jacket - The Phelps Family of America and Their English Ancestors - THE EXPOSÉ photo [IN CASE INTERESTED: AbeBooks & Amazon]


The programmes and thinking behind the destruction of American culture since the second war are well documented. The documents are in the public domain. I am going to run you through its intellectual history showing how they deliberately created the irrational stupidity taking place on campuses and cities. This was created. The brain-dead raves and hundred thousand strong semi-Dionysian rites that take place all over the Western world are rooted in this. They created this. Created deliberately in order to destroy the possibility of adult self-determination, and individual power.


It needed an intellectual underpinning that helped them feel superior and in the between-wars ferment in Bloomsbury and Oxbridge [a blend of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge] the self-appointed leaders found it. Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H Huxley, (generally called Darwin’s PR guy) – who was a member of the Round Table and the Rhodes outfit, and Arnold Toynbee, head of the research division of British Intelligence during WW1 – provided the gravitas. Aldous began an organisation called the ‘Children of the Sun’, with other members of children of the Round Table (mentioned in last week’s piece and yes, “descended” from Arthur), like WH Auden, TS Elliot, Julian Huxley, DH Laurence and of course, HG Wells. Drawn from the pagan ceremonies of ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, it was a Dionysian cult that promised that in the fullest expression of your animal and sensual nature, the “doors” to “perception” would be opened and you could have the power of God. Paganism sounds cool – all the tattoos plastered on people declare their pagan tribal roots. Until you realise that pagan demands human sacrifice to “work.” The Order of the Golden Dawn is now practised all over the world.


The result? Twenty-five per cent of Americans are diabolically obsessed. Those who are diabolically oppressed? 10-15%. This Catholic priest/exorcist explains why all the demons are here.


Youtube VIDEO [begins at 5:49 mark]: Fr. Chad Ripperger: Levels of Spiritual Warfare & Our Lady - January 25th 2024

[Posted by Saint Patrick's Cathedral NYC

Streamed on Jan 25, 2024



[Helena Blavatsky] this ridiculous creatures was the godmother of today's culture - THE EXPOSÉ photo


They roped in that bonkers mystic Helena Blavatsky who wrote something super-bonkers called ‘Isis Unveiled’ and together with Oswald Mosley (UK’s fascist leader), and then of course, the genuinely wicked Aleister Crowley, created with the Oxbridgians the Order of the Golden Dawn. Now these people were intellectuals. And I don’t know if you have spent any time with people like that and you are lucky if you haven’t frankly. I went to a couple of house parties given by my landlady in her husband’s rectory in Grantham, England, with two other couples who had met at Trinity College, Cambridge. These people had minds that struck me silent, so agile, so well founded, vaulting, mind-blowingly well-read, beyond reason. One of the men, the son of two famous American leftists, went on to be head of Policy for the Conservative Party, the other edited The TelegraphThe Spectator and became Thatcher’s official biographer. They didn’t just think they were superior; in this regard, they were.  But, in this case, their thinking was not just brilliant, it was Christian. Everyone at that house party (except me) was virtuous in the extreme, modest, open, curious, kind, solicitous of the colonial in their midst, despite their clear superiority of mind. And Christian. Of course they were. We were sitting in a rectory outside a 15th century church with an actual chained library. The Rector, our host, had been their curate at Trinity, and on Sunday afternoon, all the bishops came for tea.


Huxley, etc., were anything but humble or devout or kind. They were after godhead themselves. And these silly little secret groups wanted power. They would be worshipped. So, they invented a system of thought under which we live today. ‘1984’, ‘the Doors of Perception’, ‘Brave New World’, were not just novels, they were mass appeal organising documents. They called it an Open Conspiracy, Blueprints for a World Revolution. They were connected to the RIIA, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, one of the many snakeheads, which Toynbee headed for 50 years. Lots of funding flowed, and eventually, they formed their own behaviourist institutions in order to force this World Revolution. They wanted not just revolution but “a one-world brain.” They wanted a “police of the mind.” And of course, because the financial interests of Great Britain wanted the financial benefits such a “revolution” would bring, the funding grew and grew and grew. Proffered power attracts the worst people and they too, joined the cabal.


Hence today, the propaganda and planning emanate from our most prestigious institutions, principally the Stanford Research Centre at Stanford, the Institute of Social Research at the University of Pennsylvania, the London School of Economics, the National Training Laboratories, the Hudson Institute, Esalen, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the Office of Naval Research, The Geneva-based International Foundation for Development Alternatives and Executive Conference Centre, Rand, MIT/Sloan, the Advanced Centre of Behavioural Sciences at Palo Alto. From each comes a daily blare of propaganda funnelled into every sector, every association, every religion, every immigrant group, every government organisation, every union, every school and university. All these outfits, for which you need to develop disbelief to the point of contempt, signed on to the following.

Aldous Huxley (Mirrored) - THE EXPOSÉ photo


Aldous Huxley called the end result, “the final revolution,” “a dictatorship without tears,” where people love their servitude. This 1961 speech, linked HERE [Blog Editor: The embedded link is to a Youtube video with this title, “Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution 'Brave New World' (Berkeley Speech 1962)”], asserted the goal was to produce “a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will, in fact, have their liberties taken away…but…will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing…enhanced by pharmacological methods.”


There is enough blather in this to indicate that Huxley was just describing. But by the age of 60, he was full-on depopulation must happen, and this, he felt, was the way to go. Outside of mass poisoning. Or nuclear war.


The Changing Images of Man’, the foundational document, was written by some of the premier American intellectuals of the pre and post-war period. It promoted and argued for the changing of mankind’s desire to create, to build, towards industrial progress to one that embraces “spiritualism.” The image, it claimed, of technological and industrial man is obsolete and must be discarded.


And so … today. Here’s my example of what has happened in my region. People have been defanged, declawed, reduced to blithering men and women with no critical thinking, but who spout sentimental propaganda. My paternal great-grandparents helped found the city of Vancouver, moving there when there were only 4,000 people present. Over 100 years, they and other ordinary families built the modern city. If you fell, you were picked up. Today, that city is owned by Asian criminal cartels who launder most of the drug money in America through its casinos and real estate. Few actual Canadians starting out can afford to buy houses or condos, they are all owned by crooks. No doubt container loads of discarded children move through our port, the second largest on the west coast of North and South America, bound for sexual predators (another cabal product) across the continent. Human trafficking is common, there are slaves on every street.


And do you know what my generation of women worry about? Trees. Weather. They are inane in the extreme and they gush like 14-year-olds and dress like toddlers. They burble about the “environment,” and ignore the human sacrifice near them. In the city, people die and defecate on the streets. Ignored.


We have been programmed to care only about ourselves. “Women think too much about others,” “they need to learn to be selfish.” In that thought, we all fell. We are told minute by minute to force our bodies and faces into some perfect ghoul like Bezos’ future wife, to buy clothes every season, to interest ourselves in “art and literature,” to have a yoga and meditation practice that encourages “peace” and quiescence, to do anything but be adults responsible for each other, and to do the hard, dangerous thing.


Are the lied to as culpable as those lying? What did the Germans feel when they found out about the ovens? What will the current generations feel when held to account for the eight million trafficked children every year?


In that one immutable and ghastly fact, we have a perfect illustration of the devastation wrought by the cabal.


About the Author


Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post.


Her first book ‘The Monkey Puzzle Tree’ was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, ‘Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage’, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practised, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the US and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Nickson publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Welcome to Absurdistan’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.